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Blustery Thursday

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    Blustery Thursday


    Well I woke up to a house temp of 59 degrees and it was set at 72. I think we're calling the heating guy today! I wonder how many other people are having issues…

    I got the baby quilt quilted yesterday and am finishing quilting the boarders this morning. Hopefully I will get this done in time for my quilting group at 9:30... Tick tock, I know. Always the procrastinator : D

    Hope everyone else's days goes well!

    Happy Stitching,


    Oh Margaret -- I'm hoping your heat issues get taken care of! It's cold here but the sun is shining in my window!! Hurray!! DH took the car this morning instead of me doing my usual taxi routine of dropping him off at the train. So I'm in my pj's and loving it! The tree branches are still covered with ice -- very pretty, but that's enough now -- let's warm up a bit. DH and I spent about 2 hours cleaning off the driveway yesterday. Our newest tip -- let the snow fall and don't shovel before the ice storm arrives. DH was so diligent on Wednesday that he cleaned off the driveway only to have the sleet and ice fall onto that and make it terribly difficult to shovel. You'd think we grew up in the South -- we're relearning all our Yankee techniques again.
    I made some small pinwheels out of leftover fabric from my challenge quilt and then reshaped them into flowers -- and I'll machine applique them today -- I'm not sure that I'm loving this but it completes the challenge requirement, so what the heck! I'd like to layer this and get the quilting started so I can go back to my Bonnie Hunter mystery and not have that become another UFO.


      Wow, Margaret - hope you got your heat fixed today! As for your procrastination on the baby quilt, my motto is "If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done!" :lol:

      Peggy - your pinwheel flowers sound intriguing. LIke Georgia (Lacyirish) in the other thread, I am never fond of pinwheels as I have trouble getting them together sometimes, too. (I tend to end up putting them together backwards.) :shock:

      I worked today and am watching the snow blow from the opposite direction as it did for the last two days during the blizzard/storm. Now the drifts can form THE OTHER WAY! Sheesh! Have to get my hair cut at 6:30 tonight but talked DD into doing some light grocery shopping while I am getting it cut. YEA! Then home to watch Grey's Anatomy and applique tonight.



        We had the most beautiful blue skies and sun today , but it was still cold. It was so nice not to have to shovel etc. again. DH had good weather for his drive back from RI.

        I spent most of the day organizing my stash. Everything is put away by color and in one spot in the room where I sew. I discovered that I have a lot of blue fabric but no orange. I never would have thought that I would be missing a color with all of the fabric. I also discovered that I have a wonderful group of quilt friends. Many of the items I washed and put away were beautiful pieces that I have received in our various swaps. Thank you for these beautiful fabrics. I have some ideas for some new projects with these fabrics.
        Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.



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