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Question on technique for Pinwheels

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    I haven't tackled pinwheels; however, used the block of wood as a pressing tool when doing tailor type garment sewing years ago
    My Dad even made me a handle for the block, ......wonder where that thing went to,as I no longer do tailoring.
    Good luck with the sewing and snow...what an awful winter. Note to self "Don't complain about the heat of the summer", just be glad you don't have to shovel heat!!!

    Lizi, Northern NJ

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !



      I thought of you last night when I was working on my bom and had a huge "lump" I wasn't working on pinwheels but frustrating none the less. Hope things are coming along better for ya.


      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Good Morning,
        I'm pleased to say my pinwheels are coming together much better and without the "bump". I'm continuing the "spiral pressing", although I don't see too many pinwheels in my future, LOL. I never did have to resort to the wooden block, but had my son find one in the basement and it is nearby, just in case.....

        The pretty, white snow is now dirty and yellow in some places, and has frozen ruts up the drive, too dangerous to attempt on foot until a little melting takes place. I'm going through PetSafe way too fast at $12 a container!!! I confess, last summer I did do my share of whining and said, "Give me winter any day!" Living in the Northeast does give us several "whines" to choose from. I'll be spending most of today trying to straighten out my new 2011 Rx Plan and also arranging for my condo assoc to check out a ceiling leak in my vacation condo further north in NH. Never a dull moment; never enough time. Have a happy Wednesday everyone......

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Yes Agnes! We need you here!!!


            Lynn-Thanks. It was a life curve that almost kept me away. I may be away for a while starting Fri. Physically I am not going anywhere but the quilting spirit might have to take a vacation.



              Please know that many prayers will be going with Vern and you on Friday. Keep us posted when you can..

              Hugs, Georgia


                Agnes, just adding my thoughts and prayers for you and Vern. I'm glad you have some hand work ready to take with you and I'm sure you will have lots of reading material too. Hang in there and we will talk soon.



                  Argh! So wish I had learned these tips before doing my 80+ for my current quilt LOL! I would say next time, but I think it'll be a while before I go "spinning" again. :mrgreen:


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