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Wild Wednesday

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    Wild Wednesday

    Wow -- this has been some winter! This morning we have almost an inch of ice covering our lovely hilly driveway. The newspaper is there at the bottom -- tempting us -- but since we're no longer spry, nor young, and although we're well padded (ahem) we've decided to let it sit there for the morning and hopefully it'll warm up by noon and we can make it down there. And I can read the paper on the internet. DH's office is closed and we watched the poor guy across the street struggle to drive UP his driveway to go to work. It's a mess out there!!
    I decided to switch gears and work on my guild's challenge quilt (due in 3 weeks). I completed a large block that came out pretty good -- it's a different challenge - we picked out paint swatches from a bag and we have to make something with only those three colors (they were pretty much all jewel toned) and one background and we can use a coordinating fabric that has only the 3 colors in it. And we have to include a flower design somewhere as well. At least I'll have something to bring to the meeting, so I'm happy. Hope you all have a good day!

    That sounds just awful Peg. Yup, leave the paper where it's at - no news is that important! We're just on the edge of the storm, not much snow, but definitely the wind. Schools are still delayed and closed all around us. The wind chills are way, way below zero. I have a hair appt this morning, so elected not to go to work before hand, but to hang out at home and relax. I do have to work this afternoon, but the morning off is a bonus, so I'll enjoy it and maybe even get a little sewing in!

    Bella got her splint off yesterday. It's really sad to see how much muscle mass she lost in less than 2 weeks. We have to be very restrictive of her activites because the chance of dislocating it again is pretty high. Guess we aren't done carrying her in and out of the house, but that's ok, I just want her to heal!




      I saw all the stories about the snow and freezing weather up north this morning. Sorry but it is dreary here right now and we may get some rain, but it is supposed to get up to the 80s today. I did hear one lady on the radio say she might just move to Florida soon. Come on down girls, we have plenty of empty houses waiting to be sold due to foreclosures and the idiots are still building more.

      I'm on the mend. Everything is loosening up and my nose is running like a faucet (more room out than in I say). I'm really suffering from a lack of unconditional love from my psychiatrist (Gizzy) and him settling me down at night by laying on my head. He doesn't like the smell of the Tei Fu (Chinese essential oil) that I use to break up the congestion. He really tried last night and got about 5 inches from my head, he jumped about a foot and then ran to the foot of the bed. I had to laugh. I guess even he has his limits.

      I hope everyone is staying safe and warm.



        Today is my baby boys 5th birthday. We are also digging out from about a foot of snow or more. The kids and dog are loving it though. Most everything is closed. My DH was supposed to have his next step in this cancer battle with an appointment but that got canceled, so we will wait for that to be rescheduled. We are pretty much staying put. My DB borrowed my Highlander to get to work last night, and DH has borrowed it to get to work this morning. Why they didn't cancel work is beyond me, but oh well what do I Know. Just what the news says which is to stay off the roads. I am planning to do some sewing for my DS's birthday party. Making some bandanas and some eye patches. We will see how that goes. Have a great day everyone.


          Morning all,

          Well the hubby had a sleep study last night and went. The tech had 23 cancelations but not my hubby, who I told not to go. I felt so sorry for that poor tech that not only had to come in just for him but had to listen and watch him snore all last night! So this morning on the way home all the on ramps weren't plowed yet! He had to find a police turn around station in order to get turned around because there is a back cty hwy that is somewhat plowed. Can I say I - TOLD - YOU- SO!!!! For once I was Right and he doesn't listen to ME!!!!!

          I will say our little village does a terrific job plowing the city streets. For a thousand people we have one plow and he kept our city streets clear all night. I was very impressed.

          The hubby took the day off anyway since he figured he would be too tired to work. So my PLAN is to get that baby panel basted, quilted and the binding made up and attached for it. Tomorrow I have my quilting group and want to take the binding to work on it.

          Hope everyone has a warm, snuggly and quilt filled day!

          Happy Stitching,



            Yup, wild wintery weather here in Michigan, too. I worked a little yesterday morning before my applique club meeting even though I had asked for the whole day off so I could stay home today if the snow was bad. DH got stuck in the driveway and had to walk to the main farm to do chores. A couple hours later he was back - with the tractor. Took him awhile to move all that snow in the driveway. My one boss who is the son of a farmer says farm kids are never afraid to go in the ditch because they know there is always a tractor at home to pull them out! :lol: So DH wasn't worried about it - just came back with the tractor!

            We must have nearly a foot of new snow - especially after the lake effect kind kicked in. I watched the top of one of my rose bushes that was probably four feet tall and in a somewhat sheltered spot sloooooowly disappear as it got covered with snow all afternoon. I have a drift in the back and front of the house that is definitely 4 feet high and approaching 5 feet without a doubt.

            On the plus side, I did some sewing this afternoon and have the second border on my Thimbleberries 2008 quilt. Supper is done and cleaned up here so it's back to deciding on the final (?) border. I may make it bigger and I didn't like how the borders were done on the instructions so I am changing them up.



              Well, the snow missed us but the Alberta clipper cold didn't! brrrrr...... I finished this today.... started on it yesterday...took a fork in the road from quilting to seamstress.... for my son's GF's bday on Sunday.... hope it fits her...this was a blind project! Front and back views and it is reversible if she doesn't want to show the horse....


                Very nice Patsy!

                It's been windy here all day - some areas having gusts up to 6o mph. We'll be sending that along to you all in a few days!



                  Patsy - Nice job!



                    Nice job Patsy!



                      Your son's GF is definitely going to love it !! Nice work, Patsy....


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