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Happy Middle of the week

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    Happy Middle of the week

    Today we have dance, library, basketball and working out. I am hoping to get some quilting in before getting ready for our big weekend in the Dells with friends. I didn't get much done yesterday as I was running to a doctor appointment for my DS. He now has to have an outpatient surgery done at the end of Februrary. He is a little nervous, but we are reassuring him that it will go good.

    I should have quilted last night, but I watched the State of the Union instead. Then I read a little and went to bed as I was tired.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Do you Wisconsin gals go to the Dells in the winter as well? My dh and I took the Amtrak train cross-country several years ago--the same year of that big flood that took out the houses. I thought it was more a summer vacation spot.
    Keeping your dh in my prayers, Stacey. I know he will do well.


      Yes we are going there. They have a bunch of hotels now that have indoor water parks that you can go to. We have gone a couple of times and it is a lot of fun. We are getting a condo with friends and then we can cook ourselves in the kitchen.


        Hey all,

        Well I had a really great day or I should say my mom did but I guess now it's one in the same. She motivated me to go to cardio this morning and we both got our butts kicked. I thought I would feel really out of place since it's for seniors and I am SO NOT a senior. But once we got dancing I got right into it. I felt right at home since no one noticed my bad dancing skills b/c they all can't dance b/c of hip replacements! :mrgreen: I got my bathroom and bedroom fully organized and cleaned the rest of the house. Then mom told me she wanted to make dinner all be herself! :cry: I thought I might go screaming to the woods but I negotiated to help her a little (i.e. be there if I need to use a fire extinguisher.) She did great with my directive. She realized she had a hard time finding things (like the skillet) so she asked for help (A FIRST!) :mrgreen: So tonight I am hoping to put a good dent in the never ending binding. :roll:

        Hope everyone has a great rest of the evening!

        Happy Stitching,



          Oh, Margaret, how funny. I have been telling myself that I am going to get more active since the beginning of the year. So far I have gone to the gym 0 (yet that is a zero) times. Maybe tomorrow. Oh, I forgot, that is what I said yesterday


            Just another day at work, but I made good progress and should be able to have a good part if not all of Friday off and part of Monday too! YAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!! I still haven't decided for sure which projects to take to the retreat with me - I'll figure it out. I'm taking at least some of my stuff tomorrow night when we have small group and will set that up, then the rest Friday some time. A few of the gals get to be there Friday too and I'm trying not to be jealous.

            Bella's moving a little better, 4 more days of wearing the splint, then we really have to make sure she doesn't overdo.

            I'm another one that keeps saying I'm going to be more active and I just haven't managed to start that.


              Gotta add my name to the I ought to be working out list - I do work in a mall, I take a fast stroll thru the mall to the mail box a couple of times during the week. Love to walk on the beach but its dark soon after I get home. No quilting lately either......



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