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    Good morning all. It is very cold here in S WI. My thermometer shows -10 and I don't know what the wind chill is and I don't want to know either. The schools are on a two hour delay. That is going to mess up my routine today. Will be getting the grandkids up shortly so they can eat and get ready for school. I then plan to go to my studio and get some longarm quilting done. I am currently working on an antique quilt top for a friend. Turning out beautifully. I wish everyone a terrific and WARM day

    Today the kiddo has a half day so we are going to head to the Children's Museum for the other part of the day. That should be fun. AT least I hope so. I too hope to get into my sewing room tonight to get some stuff done. Other than that I am hoping to finish some cleaning and do some straightening up. Then make a taco tip to have for the party tomorrow. I am hoping everyone has fun and enjoys themselves.
    Guild last night was a lot of fun. It was so much fun to see everyone's personal challenges. They did a great job. I am just hoping I get my kit done for next year. I have a couple of other bigger projects to do before it, so I better get my butt moving on it. I also want to get a cross stitch done.

    pat good luck on the long arm.


      We have -30 here!! Even the inside windows are iced up! Wood stove must have burned all down to just coals this morning so it was a chilly 67 in here this morning. Still working away at my sampler quilt...two rows left to put together


        Absolutely plan to hibernate during this frigid winter weekend ahead. Yeah - lots of quilting time to work on the 2010 BOM!


          Minus 30 degrees???? OMG!!! I promise not to whine about it being 8 degrees here on Sunday
          We whipped up 25 quilt kits yesterday at my group's meeting. Most of these quilts get donated to Paul Newman's Hole in the Wall Camp up in northwest Connecticut. I usually go with the group that delivers them and it so very impressive to see how these kids with illnesses are given a week or two away in the summer to just be kids. They take the quilts home with them.
          I did get a few more hs triangles done yesterday---I'm in today with 5 inches of snow outside--wimpy, I know, for those of you who deal with this on a daily basis. But I do get in my sewing room, so that's cool. Have a good day and a great weekend. Oh yea -- and J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS!!!! (On Sunday!!)



            I got my cleaning done and prob should go check on laundry. I have my dbil coming on Saturday but I'm not gonna be here (up at Stacey's) so... getting the house ready for him. I have to head out to get the hubby's car in for an oil change and then I want to run some errands in town. Mom thinks I'm crazy to go out w/ -15 wind-chill but I figure you're only out in it for a few minutes... Later when we get backing I have some baking and cooking to do so the house is stocked for the guys. Hope everyone has a good day. Still wedeling away on my binding. Hope to have that done on Sunday (at the latest.)

            Happy Stitching,



              I agree - -30 is a bit too chilly for me and thankfully we haven't seen anything lower than -15 this year. Today we are having a heat wave as it is about 20 outside right now. Haven't sewn a thing since right before Christmas and really need to get back in there and finish a few things and then figure out which of the UFO's I need to attack first. My finger tips are red, sore and peeling from the oral chemo and I bet I have used more hand lotion in the past 6 months than I have in 5 years. So sewing doesn't work out real well but have started a new afghan - the Navajo pattern - and that has been fine to do.

              Looks like the QYW board is slowing coming to an end - only two posts this morning so it won't be long and it will just be a very pleasant memory for all of us. I am glad to see the daily posts going on here and will try and be more active.

              I need to sort through and file this past years paid bills (have a stack of EOB's from the health insurance and Medicare to try and organize in date order) so wish me luck. The stack is a good 12" high and is is going to take some major time.

              Marge P
              Twisp WA


                I am finally home from work and I certainly won't whine either about the 18 degrees it was as I passed by the bank. I don't think I could handle -30! It was only that warm today because the sun was out. It's supposed to be below zero tonight, like it was last night, and tomorrow is supposed to be miserable, too. We have Lake Huron that is only 8 miles to the east and in the winter when it is not frozen over, it keeps us a little warmer here than inland in Michigan. But open water also gets that lake effect snow going sometimes if the wind is right. That is NOT fun in any way, shape or form. It's not uncommon for our county to be the only one in the whole state under a blizzard warning. That happened last month.

                Anyway, off to get some leftovers out for supper and then I am going to do bookwork for the farm or head to to sewing room. Maybe both.



                  Yea I did some sewing and FMotion quilting today. Worked on a FQ Fun Challenge and now just have to finish the binding on it. Also did laundry today and it's been overcast and cold outside. Hope everyone stays warm.


                    Hi all! I'm a dragging today - tried "sleeping" on the couch with Bella last night - not a great idea - our couch is ok for sitting on, but awful for sleeping on. Definitely figuring something else out for tonite. She's doing better tho - finally ate tonite. The weekend looks full of work for me - the price I pay for taking time off during the week during year end. Bleh!! I hope to sneak at least a little time in the sewing room tho.

                    Marge- have you ever tried Mary Kay night emolient cream? dh has such a time with dry cracking fingers and it helps so much.

                    Kathy - love the garden twist!


                      Darce, Glad to hear Bella's doing better!



                        Hi Everyone,
                        It's cold here but not -18. I thing is was 1 when I woke up. I did venture out to do the grocery shopping, and tonight we are going to the spaghetti dinner for the HS band. This is the first year we get to attend and not have to work. I'm going to enjoy every minute. One year I won a quilt in the Chinese auction.

                        I have a good bit of the little things organized in my new sewing area. Large closet revisions will need to be done for me to store my stash as I'd like, but that can wait. I put together the bunny baby quilt I started in Nov. I'm not sure who will be getting it now. I also finished the top of sil's 50th year quilt. I'm using the teapot and teacup blocks from the swap we did on QYW MB a few years ago. Nothing fancy but dh says it looks good. I want ot get it ;ayered and quilted ASAP. Next is my #1db's 50th year quilt. I'm doing a crazy quilt for him. I figure I have to do about 1 block weekly to get the quilt assembled on time. I may go crazy, but I'll try to get this done.

                        I better get back to my sewing.

                        Stay warm everyone.



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