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Quilting with disabilities

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    What a wonderful treat, Rachel. Have fun.
    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


      Eileen, As far as I know the normal things are covered by my ins. I have been prescribed two different things in the last couple years that were both covered. One when I first got the diagnosis that I didn't feel made any difference and I didn't like how it made me feel and the standard Levodopa which I picked up about a yr and a half ago and never took yet. I am in a quandry about all this because I plan to be around for 30 or so years and feel like I should "save" the Levodopa till I really need it. There is no cure and taking meds or not will not change the progression of the disease. It just does it's thing no matter what you do. Mine seems to be progressing slowly since it started. Although they say they can't give any guarantees the Drs. say it seems that how quickly it progresses at the beginning gives an indicator to how your progression will be. I hope this holds true. One thing is I've seen three different DRs. and they all said to start the medications but it is up to me. Anyway I guess I'm not real informed about what M.J. Fox takes right now but am glad for all the attention he brings to get more research. I feel like if I have to have this, now is about the best time as there is so much study being done.

      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


        WooHoo!!!! Go for it!
        Have an absolutely great day!! :lol:

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          Thank you.

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            Hi I am back! Just what I needed. Karen ask your Dr.s about Hyperbaric treatment (I think I spelled it right). I know it is doing wonders in many areas of medicine. Espesially for neuro issues. I am very glad to hear that your's is slow in progression. I do agree with you about postponing the big drugs until there becomes no other choice. You don't want to pull out the big guns if a water pistol will work. :lol: Another avenue to look into is accuepuncture and massage therapy. The reason I reccomend this is to relax muscles and block restless nerves. I know that it worked wonders with my friend. She was fatigued all the time from trying to control the tremors. This at least helped with soreness. Rachel

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              I actually did try accupunture for a very short time and my nurse daughter lately has been suggesting I try again. I'll have to look into finding someone. Karen
              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                Everyonce in a while the quilting aliens do kidnap our dh's and usually they bring them back. ( And usually that is good LOL)

                I hope you had a wonderful day with your friend and spent every penny (and maybe a little bit more) on things that you "NEED"

                when I went to Houston I promised dh that I would only purchase those things that I "NEEDED" His definition of need and mine were slightly different but I came home with a very innocent look on my face and said oh yes dear I only bought things I need. (Sure am glad he hasn't figured out how to log in here and read my entries or my jig would be up)

                any way send the aliens my way soon I think I need to have them kidnap dh again because there are some things I really NEED!!!!!



                  My dear Anne, I was very good. I stayed in my budget. Only because I get a check from the ins. co. once a month and it came this morning. HOWEVER ... had it come yesterday... the story would have been much different. 8) :wink: Anyway last night I laid out the quilt that started out being a Rhapsody. Now I don't knowwhat to call it but I like it. It is for my Mom and I think it is going to be my best one ever. The only problem is it isn't as big as I wanted it to be. Maybe she will just use it as a throw or a big wall hanging. I don't know I just know my DH said "now that one is cool" . And he never makes comments unless asked. I hope to post it soon. Rachel
                  P.S. I'll tell the aliens to head south as soon as possible :wink:


                    Can a border be added? Would that make it big enough?
                    It's so good to hear that you had a fun day!!! I think we all need them sometimes. When I worked outsided of the house we used to call them "mental health days". You know-you needed it to keep your sanity :wink:

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      Eileen and others,
                      I don't know. I am afraid it will take away from the quilt but I will post it on my site just laid out (when my son gets home). Mind you it won't be sewed together yet just pressed appliqued. But you can give me your oppinion. I would love that. I have a lot of hand sewing to do A LOT. Thanx Rachel

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        Rachel, I was afraid that when DH gave you $ to spend and to get you out of the house that the cleaning fairies would return. Guess that didn't happen, did it? I would have been suspicious. Judy in AZ


                          No my dear hubby seen how upset I was with the cleaning fairies. He felt really bad for me. He is a scroll saw worker. He is also very finicky about his projects. Not to mention he watched me cut all of those little teal peices with my hands shaking so bad. Today we talked about going to get my sewing machine upgraded. I was offered a berina from a friend but it is beyond repair. She did not take care of it and she wants more for it every time she talks to me. Right now I just have a very simple machine with very little frills. It does the job but I really want another one. By the way I did get the quilt I am working on now posted. If anyone has any ideas about making it bigger without changing the theme too much. I would really appreciate it. I would like to stick with the blues and black. Rachel


                            What if you repeated the rose border, but flip it so the roses face out and then extend your background fabric an inch or two beyond that to form a narrow dark border. So going from outside in you would have narrow dark strip, rose tops, rose bottoms, rose bottoms (current outside of quilt) rose tops... It would just be a continuation of the border you already have and falls in the rhapsody pattern of mirror and flip.


                              I like Mandy's idea. You want to keep the Rhapsody theme going, right?

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                                Hi me again. Today I went to the store where I bought the paisley fabric... They are out. They did have more of the blue roses and another fabric that complimented it. However, I think I am looking at a wallhanging for now. Which if that is the case that is ok. I can make a bigger one for my Mom another time. Well I have to go for now DH is taking me out for dinner. He must have fallen on his head or something. Either that or he has done something really wrong and is breaking it to me gently in a very slow way.(haha) Today I got fabric, lunch, and a sewing machine, and a quilting magazine. Yeah the aliens are still in N.Y. I guess I better take advantage of it while it lasts. Rachel :!: P.S. maybe I will get another quilt book (or would that be pushing my luck?) 8) :wink: :idea:

                                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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