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Houston Preview Night

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    Houston Preview Night

    Ok, quilters. Give me the scoop on Preview Night (Wednesday night) at the Houston Quilt Show. What's open? What's not? How are the crowds for the quilts? Traditions? Do I go or not?

    I'm driving in Wednesday and wondering if I should stop by on Wednesday night. Never done that.


    If you're an IQA member you get in at 5:00, when there are fewer crowds. If you're not an IQA member, you have to wait until 7:00. I always like to go to preview night to look at quilts because most of the people want to shop, so there are fewer folks looking at quilts. The whole floor is open, vendors and the quilts. Have a great time and I hope to see you there!
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      Originally posted by janetstone
      If you're an IQA member you get in at 5:00, when there are fewer crowds. If you're not an IQA member, you have to wait until 7:00. I always like to go to preview night to look at quilts because most of the people want to shop, so there are fewer folks looking at quilts. The whole floor is open, vendors and the quilts. Have a great time and I hope to see you there!
      Sounds like a great time to photograph the quilts and not be in the way too. Awesome. Yup I'm a member and will be taking classes so I can do the 5:00 entry. Yipee!

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        Hope to see you there as well Janet. Getting so excited. My yearly me time I have to confess.
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