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Rocky Mountain Quilt Festival August 9-11

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    Rocky Mountain Quilt Festival August 9-11

    It's almost here...and I have my tickets and my class schedule (Friday morning for me).

    Rocky Mountain Quilt Festival
    Friday, August 9 - Sunday, August 11
    Loveland, Colorado

    The Ranch (Larimer County Fairgrounds)

    The entire Hoffman Challenge is shown here.

    Have a great time Diane. What class/s are you doing? Wish I could go too, sigh!


      I'll be there on Friday. Not taking classes, just enjoying the quilts and vendors. Hope to see you there!



        Have fun both and bring us back some pictures are you taking flat Rita this time :lol:

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          She has probably slipped behind a pile of quilts or under a heap of wadding - or even under your bed Wendy! :twisted:


            My class is sashiko stitching. The class lasts until 12:15 on Friday (probably more like 12:30 after "shopportunities").

            I do believe that Flat Rita could make an appearance; I do have one as well!

            Hopefully I will see Sharon and Nancy at some point during the day.

            Nancy - is your favorite batik vendor going to be there?


            Diane Frank

            PS Watch out...I have granddaughter photos and I'm not afraid to flash 'em! :wink:


              Have fun DIane and Nancy. Is your Sashiko class with Pepper Cory Diane? She's so much fun and a great teacher. I had that class with her and just took another one of her classes on marking your quilt for quilting. I have a quilt in the Hoffman Challenge exhibit.

              "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


                I won't be bringing Flat Rita this time, but Diane will probably have fun with hers! I think Sew Batik comes every year -- at least I hope so. But if they're not there, I'll definitely see them in Houston! The sashiko class sounds fun. I look forward to hearing about that and seeing granddaughter pictures!



                  Yipee! Can I go Diane! Can I go Diane! Can I go Diane! Pleeeease. I promise to behave. :wink: :lol:


                    Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                    Yipee! Can I go Diane! Can I go Diane! Can I go Diane! Pleeeease. I promise to behave. :wink: :lol:
                    You mean you'll do your best, Rita... you promise you will TRY to behave... :lol: :lol: :lol: we know you can be birichina! :wink:


                      The Sashiko instructor is Becky Scellato (I have never met her.)

                      Yes, Rita you will go! I'll pack you in my purse! :lol:

                      Watch out Nancy - just remember that you said that you WANTED to see granddaughter pictures. (If you had Facebook, I could have overwhelmed you with the photos by now!)

                      Alex Anderson was supposed to be the featured instructor this year. However, the festival had to be rescheduled, and the new dates did not work with her calendar. Sigh.

                      Diane Frank


                        Originally posted by Renata
                        You mean you'll do your best, Rita... you promise you will TRY to behave... :lol: :lol: :lol: we know you can be birichina! :wink:
                        Moi? Jamais!
                        I'll be good Diane, I promise. ( :twisted: )


                          :lol: :lol: :lol: because I don't see an emoticon for ROLF!


                            Originally posted by Sewdreamy
                            Have fun DIane and Nancy. Is your Sashiko class with Pepper Cory Diane? She's so much fun and a great teacher. I had that class with her and just took another one of her classes on marking your quilt for quilting. I have a quilt in the Hoffman Challenge exhibit.
                            Hi Betty Jo!

                            I saw your quilt in the Hoffman Challenge exhibit - Beautiful!

                            Flat Rita and a couple of friends posed for a photo with your quilt. (You'll have to check out the blog section.)


                            Diane Frank


                              Awww! That's so much fun! Thank you.

                              "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


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