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First time at Houston?

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    Actually, Barbara, you do not even have to wait until Houston to see the list of venders! Just go to, click at the top on shows, scroll down and click on Houston Festival, then click on Alphabetical List of Exhibitors! That will REALLY get your juices flowing! Then once you get to Fesitval and get the Catalog, check to see what booths your favorite venders are in. This just kind of gives you a head start!

    In beautiful Northwest Montana


      When you get to the show, your catalog will have a floor plan of the lay-out of the vendor area. It's a good idea to mark that map with the vendors you want to be sure to visit. While walking through the vendors, if you see any booths you may want to return to, write the booth number down!! You'll be glad you did if you want to find it again!

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Norma,if Ricky is giving a concert I hope you have tickets. It is also a must for anyone attending Houston for the first time, Barbara.

        In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


          Also, when you pick up those cool purchases at the various venders, be sure to write down the vender's booth number and what you bought, because someone will ask you, "Where did you get that?" Believe me, you will not remember! There are 2000 booth spaces! Some venders only take up one, while others (like Bernina) may have a 15 and 20 booth chunk. Superior Threads had 6 last year, Ricky had two and TQS had two (very statigically located on two ends of a small isle!) So, there is a lot of ground to cover, and your mind will NOT remember the booth number you just visited 15 minutes ago! Write it down, write it down, write it down! We just don't want you to miss out on anything, and we are saving you steps that WE have wasted in the past!

          In beautiful Northwest Montana


            Thank you all! I will write down the vendor spaces. I will write down the vendor spaces. I will write down the vendor spaces.
            From the way it sounds, I do not want to waste the time or the energy trying to find that special something I saw the day before.
            Now...I better remember to write down all this wise advice.... :?


              Originally posted by pam7040
              Norma,if Ricky is giving a concert I hope you have tickets. It is also a must for anyone attending Houston for the first time, Barbara.
              Ricky is going to give the lectures Just a Quilting Fool and Kool Caleidoscope on Saturday. I have tickets for both. On Sunday he gives Rhapsody Quilts, which I don't attend, because I have the book and the videos here on TQS and I want to see some quilts and vendors. Saturday night Ricky is going to do "something" during the dinner and I attend here as well.
              I think I better listen carefully so I can tell you all about it afterwards

              living in Central Denmark
              Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                Norma, you will have such fun spending time with Ricky as well as learning so much.

                In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                  This is my first time too! I am so excited I could just yell it out loud! :lol: Since DH Mike is coming with me, I've decided to focus on the quilts and vendors. Wanda already has our names for the dinner.
                  I didn't know Ricky does a concert at Festival! What night is that?

                  Every time I see something I want now, I remember I'm saving my money for Houston. Now that I've seen Sarah Vedeler's work, I'm hoping for some show specials on embroidery machines. :wink: :wink:

                  We're driving and we'll be staying at the Baymont Suites, about 15 minutes by car.

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    Eileen, Ricky's concert is Saturday night from 5:30-7:00.

                    You can find all the info about the Festival here:

                    Click on "Schedule of Events" to see Ricky's time slot.

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      Eileen...I am looking forward to meeting you...a fellow New York TQS member. And like you, I find myself saying "No! You are saving for Houston. You don't need that!" (Like the wool scrap bags on sale at the Piece o'Cake website. I really want some of them. No! I'll be good)
                      I'll see you soon...
                      Barbara (on Long Island)

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Makesgeese - I have been to Paducah once but like you, this is my first time to Houston. I am not flying in until Friday and am staying with the daughter of a guy I used to work with. She is a beginner quilter and she and I will attend the show together. I did not sign up for any classes this time as I did not want her to feel like she "had" to, too, nor did I want to "ditch" my hostess while I go to a class, if you know what I mean. She lives in Houston but has never attended the show. I figured we could get our feet wet this year and do it again next time with classes, too!

                        I knew I would not be there for the TQS dinner but I did not realize there was a booth I could stop by and visit. I will have to get my name badge done, too, and stop by the booth sometime during the show. I am getting excited, too, as it gets closer!


                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Kathy...I'll look for you at the TQS booth on Saturday. It will be nice seeing the show with a friend and having someone to share your excitement with. With two days to see the show, you'll be so busy you be glad you didn't sign up for classes.
                          See you on November 5th.


                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            I was just looking at the list of vendors. A lot of the sewing machine companies have booths but I didn't see anything for Viking. Did I miss something? By the way, do any of them have show specials?

                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              Originally posted by eileenkny
                              I was just looking at the list of vendors. A lot of the sewing machine companies have booths but I didn't see anything for Viking. Did I miss something? By the way, do any of them have show specials?
                              All of them have show specials. Also, they all bring machines in for all the classes that require machines, so as I understand it, those class machines are sold as "specials" after the show. You just need to check with the particular dealer who hangs out in the classroom just hoping someone wants to buy a machine. He/she is also there to help us with machines if we have any problems during class.

                              In beautiful Northwest Montana


                                It's my first time going too! And yes, I am jumping up and down with joy!!! I simply cannot wait. Part of the time I'll be helping Ami Simms at the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Iniative booth. Come on by and get a lovely little quilt and support the cause.
                                The other time I'll be following all of your suggestions, so keep 'em coming! See you at the dinner!
                                Joyfully, Mary


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