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AQS Quilt Expo - Nashville (Aug 20-23, 2008)

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    AQS Quilt Expo - Nashville (Aug 20-23, 2008)

    Who all has quilts in the Nashville show or are going? I am planning on driving over for the day with my husband and daughter. Don't know which day yet. Sandy in Lenoir City, TN

    hi guild is taking a bus on saturday to the show...I'll wear my name tag and keep a look out for you..


      I'll be there on Saturday, too, and (if I remember it) I'll wear my TQS name badge, too. You can bet I'll be looking for that new day star!

      My sister is coming from Kansas to attend the show with me. We are going to Brenda Papadakis' lecture on Friday night. Hope to see some stars there, too!


        My DH and I will be there from Thursday afternoon until Saturday morning. My quilt (The Anniversary Quilt) will be hanging somewhere!!
        If anyone is there on Friday, I will try to be in the dining area from about noon until one. I'll prop my big TQS tote bag on the table and maybe it will be easy to see! Hope to see some of you there!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          My husband, daughter and I are driving down Saturday morning. I am making a list and seeing your quilt is at the top of the list Margo. As if I need a list for that. The list is really for things I want to buy.


            Link to Quilt winners at Nashville Quilt Show that started yesterday and runs through Saturday.



              I just looked at the quilts. So many beautiful quilts and I saw a name I recognized Ann Fahl, one of the winners. I just got her DVD that teaches coloring with thread. I hope you enjoy the show and seeing them in person. Sandi


                I'm new to quilt shows and Ann Fahl is the only name I recognized on the winner's list. Our own Margo is on the list of semi-finalists. Yeah Margo. I am really looking forward to seeing your quilt in person. Looks like there is a good variety of quilts to see.


                  Well, semi-finalist is more than I expected! It's an honor to just be allowed to "hang with the big girls"!
                  DH and I are leaving in a couple of hours, and I'm armed with a shopping list for some retail therapy after I look at all the wonderful quilts.

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    Lucky me!!! My white gloving job at the Nashville show yesterday was at the Chicago School of Fusing exhibit. There were quilts by Ann Fahl, Emily Parson, Ann Lullie, Laura Wasilowski, and Frieda Anderson (I hope I got that right), and I got to be up close and personal with each one!

                    I've purchased books by Laura and Ann Fahl, and lots of Steam-a-Seam 2, the pinking and curvy rotary blades, but just couldn't take that first step. Now I'm really inspired to jump in and do it!! I can imagine what fun that group has when they get together!!!!


                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      Congratulations Margo!
                      Happy Quilting,

                      Shiner TX


                        Originally posted by WandaM
                        Congratulations Margo!
                        Thanks, but after seeing how long the list of "semifinialists" in, I think that means that your quilt was accepted to the show!!

                        At any rate, the show has some wonderful quilts and some great vendors, but I think it's a good thing I don't have a scale for this week's weigh-in! Back to the dieting today! You would think that with all the extra walking I've done I would have burned off all the extra eating! LOL!!

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Congratulations, Margo! We went to the show on Saturday for a few hours. It was Madeline's first quilt show. She was so good! She slept in her stroller for hours while I shopped. I have added a picture of her holding her first piece of quilt fabric in my profile.


                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Originally posted by aggiebabe
                            Congratulations, Margo! We went to the show on Saturday for a few hours. It was Madeline's first quilt show. She was so good! She slept in her stroller for hours while I shopped. I have added a picture of her holding her first piece of quilt fabric in my profile.

                            Oh My Gosh!! Chelley, I didn't realize she was with us!! She is adorable, and off to a good start with the fat quarter for her stash! LOL! The last I remember you were decorating her room, but I don't remember seeing any pictures of that. I guess that your life now has a whole new routine! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              I haven't posted pictures of her room because I still haven't finished decorating it! LOL! :lol:

                              Madeline Grace arrived on June 4th. Her due date was August 9th, so she was 9.5 weeks early. She spent 23 days in the NICU, but is healthy and happy at home with us now. She weighed 3lbs 5 oz at birth and is just over 7lbs and wearing NB clothes as she approaches the 3 month mark.


                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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