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Angie's Rhapsody quilt takes 3rd place @ guild quilt show!

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    Well, perhaps I'm the lone cynic. How would you feel if you saw a replica of a Hollis quilt? Or Caryl? Ruth? I could name dozens more! If you go to an art gallery, you often see a painter copying a work of art to gain a deeper insight into the brush strokes, technique, etc. of the artist. But they don't hang them in a gallery! Ricky gets my vote as one of the most talented, friendly, and GIVING quilt artists of our time. If you asked him, he would undoubtedly give you a positive reaction to the quilt that so closely copies his masterpiece.....but not me!


      I have to admit this post piqued my curiosity. I'm not certain how I feel about "exact replicas", so I won't even go there.

      Angie's quilt is beautiful, not doubt. It is not, however, an exact replica of Ricky's Bohemian Rhapsody Quilt. I checked. Ricky has a photo of his quilt on his website. I brought the picture up and looked at the details of each as best I could. There are differences in fabrics and in some of the pieces. While the quilt is remarkably similar to Ricky's Bohemian Rhapsody it is not exactly the same. Angie has indeed made this quilt her own.

      One piece of information we don't have that I believe key to the conversation is whether or not Angie obtained permission from Ricky to make Bohemian Rhapsody. Does Ricky grant permission in the book for purchasers to make this quilt? I don't know I don't have the book.

      I do know, from experience Ricky does teach the Rhapsody quilt making process at the Ricky Tims Quilt Supers Seminars that he does with Libby and Alex.

      Happy Quilting!

      Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


        This is a perfectly fascinating issue; I would like to know how it would be resolved in copyright law.

        Of course it's true that in the pre-copyright-law past (or pre-enforcement of the law regarding quilts), quilts were replicated exactly (like Dear Jane and traditional blocks). But contemporary non-traditional-block quilts are now protected by copyright, which means no exact copies can be made or displayed without permission of the artist.

        When the quilt artist, however, makes available a pattern of a quilt, then that must mean the artist has given permission to reproduce that quilt. I think Ricky has at least one quilt book that gives instructions on how to reproduce one of his quilts (but I don't know about Bohemian Rhapsody).

        The more interesting question is what changes, if anything, when the artist gives instructions on how to make a certain type of quilt, in this case Rhapsody quilts. Only a resulting design can be copyrighted, not the idea (the ending quilt, not the idea of how to make the quilt). The idea process of making a quilt, to be protected, would have to be patented (a much more difficult process and I don't know if it would apply to quiltmaking). But I still think that if the identical quilt resulted from the idea, then the artist would have to give permission.

        Sorry about the long post--I am just interested to see any developments in how quilting and copyright issues interact: I think most of the existing law is about art as in paintings and I wonder how the pattern/book difference in the quilting world changes things.


          I think that if Angie truly wanted to make this quilt her own, she should have changed the name. I would be very careful to avoid any copyright infringements.
          It's been said before-just because you change a little bit doesn't mean you've created a whole new work of art. It's a fine line and I'd prefer to err on the side of caution when it comes to something that's out in the public eye :?

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            Ok, I'll jump in too. I think Ricky has said, maybe on here or maybe at the Seminar, that he doesn't withhold permission to copy, but that's if the quilt is for personal use, and attribution is given to him as designer. He accepts it as flattery and is happy to have inspired others.
            Now if Angie were to sell it, THAT would be an issue of copyright infringement. I don't know where the line would fall if, for instance, the prize came with a cash award... tricky, tricky, tricky! I think there have been suggestions that they focus an episode on copyright issues. This keeps cropping up and will continue to do so, as long as folks are making beautiful quilts

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              Correct me if I am wrong (PLEASE!! :lol: ) but I seem to remember seeing somewhere on this forum where Ricky said something about allowing people to reproduce a limited number of his designs (I think 2???) as long as he was credited as designer, or something like that. He may have just been talking about convergiences or quilts to be sold though. I know it was sometime last summer the topic came up. If anyone else remembers maybe you could steer us toward that post.

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                Originally posted by mandysilk
                Correct me if I am wrong (PLEASE!! :lol: ) but I seem to remember seeing somewhere on this forum where Ricky said something about allowing people to reproduce a limited number of his designs (I think 2???) as long as he was credited as designer, or something like that. He may have just been talking about convergiences or quilts to be sold though. I know it was sometime last summer the topic came up. If anyone else remembers maybe you could steer us toward that post.
                I was thinking the same thing.......maybe it's in the Ask Ricky thread.

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Mandy & Judy, that was what I was alluding to also. I know he said that somewhere! So either the 3 of us are having the same dream or it actually happened!

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    Hi everyone,
                    This is Pat, Ricky's admin. I, too, saw the quilt last night when I was cruising around the wonderful quilt gallery. This really is an interesting discussion. I asked him about it this morning, and he said he will be posting his thoughts for you (as sooon as he climbs out from under a couple of other things he's got going) - he's not upset in any way, and I know he'll have an interesting perspective on it.
                    Take care and have a great holiday weekend.


                      That's great Pat. I know Ricky and Alex have said they read alot of what's posted and written on TQS so I was hoping he'd feel like sharing his perspective.

                      I enjoyed his dialogs with Beth on the last taped show about the differences he and Beth have on 'competition' entering. The really great thing is there is room for all of us and all of our perspectives in quilting.

                      That's the REAL Woo Hoo!!!


                        Hi Gang! First I want to commend everyone on such a "nicely" spirited discussion. Thank you SOOOOO much for minding your manners and respecting the opinions of others.

                        Regarding Angie's quilt. Well, I'll tackle one thing at a time. From time to time I do get emails about reproducing one of my quilts. Generally I encourage them to knock their socks off if they want to give it a go. Bohemian Rhapsody is not a pattern, primarily because creating the pattern would cost a fortune and then 10 people would buy it (ooh - that's too hard), and two would try it - and one would succeed. Making the pattern at the present time would not be wise. So, what did I do instead? What is my philosophy on such matters?

                        Well, what I DID was write a book that would teach you HOW to make your own - or, if you wanted to attempt a copy of one of mine, you would have the tools to do so. I do back flips with each Rhapsody quilt I see made. The fact that Angie made a copy of Bohemian Rhapsody tells me that that particular quilt has really inspired her. I personally know how much effort went into making mine - so I applaud Angie for having the vision, and then following through - that's a gold star in my book.

                        Now, copyright issues. Angie has really done nothing wrong that would have me running to the lawyers. Were she to start making post cards for sale of it, making a pattern of it and selling it, putting the image on coffee mugs, or in any other way make an effort to benefit financially from it without having first acquired a license from me to do so, - then action might be necessary to stop the financial gain. It is my original design. As far as a little prize money here and there for it? - I say good on ya! A little prize money in Angie's pocket is not doing me any harm.

                        I DID post a reply somewhere a while back about those who make my Convergence quilts and want to sell them. I encourage them to do so if they limit those to three a year - and not start a manufacturing system to churn them out. At that point - I'd want to license the pattern for such use - yes, I'd want a piece of the pie. That is what intellectual property is all about. Many people are so kind to ask if they can put the HC quilt in a fund-raising auction etc. I say DO IT!.

                        In all my classes, I keep no secrets. I truly believe that I can teach you ALL I know, but when I do, you'll make a quilt that, while it might look and feel like mine - won't be. I think Angie did a terrific job - and the design is as close to a copy and a copy can get. But, it's distinctively different than the original, which by the way, is encrusted with machine stitching and made entirely of hand-dyed fabrics that cannot be reproduced (believe me, I've tried).

                        That's enough for now - you are all great and wonderful people. I'm so very thankful that you care about TQS and find value in discussing such issues. In the end I encourage you to do what will inspire you to reach for the unreachable star. I bet this was a great stepping stone in Angie's Great Quilting Experience - just part of the journey.


                          As always Ricky, you have a generous spirit. That's why we all love ya. Hugs from Betty Ann


                            Thanks so much Ricky for affirming my "perceptions" of your generous spirit and eagerness to help us all reach inside ourselves to find our OWN magic!

                            It is also good for those of us (like me) to hear your take on the whole copyright/license/intellectual property issue because we amateurs don't really worry that much about it.

                            And I don't really have that competitive spirit (I don't think I do anyway) so, so far I've not entered in a quilt show.

                            Oh, well, back to stitchin'.........................



                              Applause....Ricky you never let me down.....your answer is what I was imagining you to say. Thank you for being you.


                                Thanks, Ricky! You have a very generous spirit! I thought you'd want us to reach for the stars! Thanks for all you do and thanks for keeping as eye on us! WandaM
                                Happy Quilting,

                                Shiner TX


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