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design idea

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    design idea

    I'm way behind the rest of you in getting mine done, but wanted to share an idea for designing the skeleton. If you are going to make the quilt for someone special, or just want to try this, use someone or someplace as the origin of the lines you draw. I did my first one using my own first name, and have done several other skeletons with other people's love the idea that their name is in a quilt pattern. You can even change the look of the piece by trying cursive "writing" or square letters, or rounded letters, or ....and the options go on.

    How interesting. Could you post some pics of your designs?


      Sorry for the delay - finally got three skeletons posted on my site. All are made from the four letters of my name KATE but each has a variation on the letters, as you can see. This variation is what makes it fun! The one with straight lines appears off-kilter but the original is not. When I scanned this straight to post, it came out at over 18 megs but when I offset the paper and scanned it, it came out at 4 megs....who can understand computers! Also, these are the "raw" skeletons - I haven't made any adjustments to any of them.


        Very intriguing! I love the way your different designs turned out, but I guess I'm a little dense... I can't see where the letters "are"-- I know I'm only supposed to be looking at the 1/8 triangle, correct? maybe tell which direction it was aiming when you drew? (point up or down? Right angle left or right?) That might help me visualize!
        (funny too, I'm in the midst of a graduation quilt for my neice, Kate. I originally thought of trying to do something abstract with her name, but I'm way down another path now... maybe for her college graduation!)
        thanks for sharing, Florence


          mambeebe, I don't see the letters either -------- but I know I am dense!!!! I love the idea of using names or initials in the design but how about using a persons monogram in the applique and in the skeleton. I am planning to make my rhapsody for my gdau whose initials are ISRW which is an interesting combination to put together. and I might incorporate her mothers fathers and grandparents initials somewhere in the applique I think that would make the quilt extremely unique and special. This will be her first KEEPSAKE QUILT as opposed to what we call cuddle quilts that are meant to be used and abused. the Keepsake quilt is one you use on your bed or on a wall but you don't drag it around or take it camping.

          It is so exciting to have so many people contribute their ideas and designs and even though no one else can make one exactly like yours -- I appreciate anyone who contributes their ideas because as you can see it stimulates other ideas and who knows where the chain will end

          So thank you for the design idea and keep creating from Ann in Minnesota


            I already did this I wrote Holly my grand daughters name, Some letters are hard "S" is hard to get the right angle on it ....Jean


              for those who can't see the letters, it's not because you're's because the pattern takes on a life of its own once you get started. My K was always on the smallest/inside point of the initial triangle, but from there on, each one might be one the E was upside down, in another place the vertical line of the T formed the upright for the E, etc. As soon as I send this post, I'm putting another skeleton on my site...this was my first attempt at my name, and it should be much simpler to see the individual letters (I couldn't find this one when I posted the others, so I redid the straight-line letter skeleton...and you can see how even these two are different!) This one has too many lines meeting the edge, and I'd want to re-work those before using it as the pattern...maybe!


                Hey I found the letters in all of them! VERY kewl Cindy in Kirksville MO where it is not quite as hot as St Louis and on my way to the Super Seminar in Omaha
                Cindy Bell Neville


                  I guess I was slow getting into the Rhapsody thing so I'm looking through all I can at this time. I tried my name and thought it was too long so I just used my initials. It worked great!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
                  Cindy Bell Neville


                    Wow. I can't find most of the letters! Do us simple minded folks a favor and highlight or embolden the letters when you scan it in again!


                      Okay I see it. Very clever. I had to look at the last drawing where you point out the K and E, then went back to the first 3 and was able to find the letters.


                        Yea! I finally see it on the last skeleton! Those eye puzzles in the funny papers are impossible for me too but my kids and Mom could always see the picture right away.
                        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


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