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    Washing fabrics - now there's a hot topic. I never have done, I also like the finish in unwashed fabrics, but I read something not that long ago that has made me revise my thoughts on this subject. Rather than looking at the way the fabric works, they were talking about the health issues, how you don't know what chemicals are on the fabric, be they dye remnants, insecticide sprays or anything else. This stuff is all printed in the far east then shipped twice around the world, who know what it picks up en route. Mind you, I don't think I'm going to go and wash my entire stash, that would take a month of sundays :shock:
    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


      Lorchen, Yes I know about last year. I met you at Ricky's concert, I'm from Bracknell and know I Brenda. I'm sorry that you'll only be able to put one of those quilts in this year. Good luck.

      As for washing or non washing fabrics, I washed my fabrics from the very beginning, as I was frightened that if I didn't colours would bleed when quilts are washed. Unfortunately the washing of fabric hasn't kept up with the buying of it. So I have a pile that has accumulated over a couple of years that hasn't been washed. Once a fabric is washed I snip a corner off, so that I should be able to tell the 2 apart. One day I'll get round to washing the rest Lol.

      In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


        Oh yes, I remember you, Pam! You are lovely!!

        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


          See!! These sub threads are working! How long have you two been on this forum and you've only just twigged who each other is!!
          From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


            Amo, I knew that Pam was somewhere around on TQS, because that's how we met. But it was a very short meeting, and not enough time to really get to know eachother. We really have to change that! Pam, are you going to FoQ this year?

            From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


              hi, I cannot remember who mentioned McCALLS Quilting site, anyway, tried to register as a member and everytime I put the funny looking letters in the code box, it told me I had not done it correctly, anyone a member of this site? if so, how did you manage? It looks really good with patterns, advice etc. So perhaps some of you ladies might want to check it out.
              From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                I've just joined fine. The box could be case sensative, I had a lower case z but everything else was upper case and did you tick the T&C box?

                And thank. Yet another site to nosey around. :roll:
                From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                  Lorchen, You say the nicest things. :lol: I'm not sure about FoQ this year, if I do go I'll be sure to let you all know so that we can meet up.. Amo, Lorchen has such an unusual name I knew who she was. Unfortunately my profile pic is quite small so it's probably difficult for anyone to see me too well.

                  In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                    Damn McCalls!
                    Just spent another half hour trying to register, doesn't matter what case, add spaces etc. still tells me that the code is incorrect!!!!! Have

                    In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                      Lynn, I have just tried to register in order to see if I would have the same problem - yup! It's all a question of working out if the letters are capital or small case. Took me 4 goes to get one right. So don't give up!

                      From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                        Ok lorchen, that
                        Thanks will have another go, are there any spaces ? Or are they just spread out? Lynn ops:
                        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                          No spaces, Lynn.

                          From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                            Well, success at last! After 5 more go's, asked dh who was sat next to me, and you guessed it, he got it in two! course, he had easier letters to see,
                            From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                              Hello everyone.
                              I've only just found where you all disappeared to( missed Amo's link somehow ops: ) Then I spent 5 days with my parents helping my mum to put together an alter frontal (9 foot by 31 1/2 inches), she has just spent the last 5 years repairing and transfering the original 1920's embroidery onto new silk damask, with not much encouragement or interest from the congregation. It is an amazing piece of work for someone who claims not to be much of a sewer :roll: just a retired chemist. I'll put photos on my profile 'in a minute', just got to go and feed the ravening hoard called family

                              Yours in the cause

                              From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                                Please, Rosemary, tell your Mum that I'm mega impressed. That altar frontal looks superb. Are they going to have a special ceremony to install/dedicate it? Where is the church? And is it an old or a modern one?

                                Just a tip: If you and/or your Mum are ever in the Liverpool area, check out the Anglican Cathedral. It houses the Lady Elizabeth Hoare Collection of Ecclesiastical Embroideries. It's right up under the roof of the cathedral, and there is a fantastic variety of items, including altar hangings. A lot of the pieces are goldwork. Not everything is on display. When I went I had the opportunity to also look at some of the stored pieces (and handle them - with gloves on). It was an amazing visit.

                                From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


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