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    WOW! Amazing! It posted my picture! Cool!



      So glad to hear the fires are dying down and the danger is gone. And very glad that you are safe.

      I love the quilt it is beautiful. Whose pattern is it?


        Thank you God for your reprieve from the fires! I hope it lasts.
        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          Bren , delighted to hear that you are safe & well, your newly finished quilt is wonderful, and pleased to see a little bit of green in your photo.
          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            Love your background and spool ends fabric choices--warm and soft.
            Avatar pictures would be wonderful with the recipes--great idea.
            Your colors are great and you're very creative, I can follow patterns really well but don't make me come up with my own design-aaaccckkk.
            Beatiful quilt--the Flagstaff quilt shop had that Marti Michel pattern and fabrics a couple of years ago as a BOM and I thoroughly enjoyed making it too. Yours is lovely. Don't feel guilty--everyone needs time to reflect and refresh and now is your time.


              Originally posted by Renata
              Originally posted by PosyP
              Originally posted by Renata
              Background fabric is soft and very pretty... have you got an overall design yet?
              See page one :wink: ( if only I could find that bit of paper :roll: )
              Wow, Rosemary... you stuck to your guns! You made your design once upon a time ago and that is what you're going with. When I went back to page 1 I recalled it immediately. It's going to be great! :P
              Actually some ammendments are creeping into the original design, someone posted a picture of reels that don't have pointy tips to the wooden part of the reel, which I really like, so I will be going with that, also since this will make my reel blocks narrower I will be able to fit more in across the width - this is a good thing since I seem to have ended up with more than 82 ops: I also want to have a bit of a play with the layout of the border, once I get some blocks made up - I had always intended to, but the bits of paper were so itty-bitty it was difficult to comfortably play.


                You should win First Place! This quilt is gorgeous.


                  So glad to hear all is good in your area and that you are getting a well deserved break. Your quilt is beautiful - hope a ribbon is in your future.


                    Bren, so glad you made it through the fire. And what a lovely quilt. I am sure it will be well received.


                      My God is an awesome God with Amazing powers,
                      you will never guess what is happening here right now, this very moment!!!!
                      "IT IS RAINING!!!!!!!!"
                      I mean really raining like big drops and really, really wet rain!
                      I went outside and I got wet, wet, wet!!!!
                      It is so wonderful!
                      I'm so happy!


                        Originally posted by lotti
                        if you're anything like me rosemary, then tidying up the sewing room is futile - you'd be messing it up again anyway when you're digging out fabrics...

                        i'm going fabric shopping after work this afternoon - on the cheap - just bought a package of fabulous "sprungli" truffles (truffles of the day - i.e. absolutely no preservatives - just fabulous chocolate, fresh cream and in one case a little raspberry & of course the flavoured water of the bacteria free variety mmmmmh )
                        i think Andrea enjoy these - and i'll enjoy digging through her fabric extras - you're wondering where? my colleague robi's partner has her own business - she sells designer fabrics to interior designers - decorators - whatnot - and has been sorting through the collections - getting rid of the "old" stuff. you might remember me getting all these fabulous lucious bits and pieces about a year ago.... well there shouldn't be as much this year - but...

                        tomorrow's our national holiday - 1st august - the 4th of july of switzerland - so we're going to enjoy some fireworks tonight - heading for the hills tomorrow morning and a little walkabout tomorrow afternoon - hopefully with a bbq'd this or that on the way - won't have time to wash the fabrics - but hope to get a few nice pictures out of it all - will let you know )

                        I wish I could shop with you Lotti!


                          Originally posted by tbrown0307

                          So glad to hear the fires are dying down and the danger is gone. And very glad that you are safe.

                          I love the quilt it is beautiful. Whose pattern is it?
                          The pattern is by Marti Michell.
                          And everything fits perfectly! I made paper templates from her directions but she does sell a bunch of plastic ones also.

                          I like to hand piece these types of quilts becasue one block will fit in a sandwich bag and travels well. :wink:
                          I am doing another one now but I cant remember the name of it...
                          it is softer in colors and very feminine in colors and blocks too! will post some photos later. so is anyone doing any swapping?

                          My guild in Valentine, NE is doing a half sq triangle swap next month and the older ladies are freeking out about it...
                          Not that I am a spring chicken or anything like that! LOL!
                          but I think it will be fun if everyone keeps their cool! LOL!
                          I wonder if it is the paper that they are worried about?
                          Anyway how would you like to live in a town named "Valentine" it sounds so romantic doesnt it?

                          Some of my best friends live there.. and I guess there are a lot of people who get married there on... Valentines Day!
                          Plus they have a card contest every year to make a Valentine card and then people mail thier Valentines to the post master and they post mark them on Valentines Day from Valentine, NE, That is kind of cool I think... Anyway if you ever get to Valentine look we up I'm not to far from town and will travel in to town to see ya!
                          Oh yeah Elenor Burns sister Patricia is coming to our mtg next month... Cool right?

                          Look at me ramblin, I need to go look at the water standing out side in teh driveway, it finally rained here! c ya


                            Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                            Bren, so glad you made it through the fire. And what a lovely quilt. I am sure it will be well received.
                            Thanks kiddo, I hope so and if not, I will really love having a new quilt on my bed. My old one is really getting worn!


                              Originally posted by LoriReid
                              So glad to hear all is good in your area and that you are getting a well deserved break. Your quilt is beautiful - hope a ribbon is in your future.
                              Thanks Lori, I am SOOOOO glad the fires are gone too! If quilt gets a ribbon good... if not I hope someone deserving gets it! Either way I win with a new quilt on my bed! I think it was my turn to get one! LOL! Have a good day!


                                Originally posted by suehenyon
                                You should win First Place! This quilt is gorgeous.
                                Thanks Susan. I loved making it! I always get a little sad when it is done tho, I'm not sure why that is.... Any ideas?

                                Have a great day!


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