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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
    I have mine done now. It looks very florid now that they are all together. I had no stripes or checks in greens (hmmm must do something about that 8) I am going to check if I have enough of the same fabrics and if I do I will send off a request to Rosemary to double it.
    I would have never thought of putting fabrics together the way you did for your reels but I really like them. Looking at the picture of your florid reels makes me smile: it evokes memories of being a very young girl, playing in fields of green with my sisters in springtime, growing up in Europe, when our parents would take us on outings that often included a picnic in a beautiful field or overlooking one. Not a reaction I expected because it was so long ago, nevertheless, very nice!


      I'm in (I hope - if there's any spaces left ) - just sent an email to Rosemary. I'm thinking reds (well washed of course)


        I've kept checking my email for updates on this forum, and haven't had anything. Then I go online and voila! two pages, that I never was notified about. How does that happen? I was thinking everyone was getting quiet. Anyways, besides becoming completely converted to the starch thing (thanks, Margo!), I'm still working on my strips of yellow, and thinking I' d love to do another batch. However, an adventure in coughing fits with bronchitis is slowing me down. I'm still on the wagon, or boat, or whatever we're all in together. Is anyone doing orange?


          Oh Rosemary! Hang in there sister!! I am sure your pink reels will behave when threatened with another round of the stiletto!!

          I am in for a second set, and I have my turquoise strips cut and washed and pressed, ready to piece. I chose all different turquoise fabrics in these set B's, so no one will get the same fabrics as in set A, although they are all turquoise. Unless, as Rosemary says, she only has a handful that want to exchange a set B, then you'll get a bunch the same!

          Duplicates do not matter to me in the least... it's a scrappy quilt and I will love and cherish every reel that comes to me!


            Rita...I wouldn't call those reels florid..I'd call them "Irish Springtime" !


              :lol: :lol:


                Originally posted by crocus999
                I've kept checking my email for updates on this forum, and haven't had anything. Then I go online and voila! two pages, that I never was notified about. How does that happen? I was thinking everyone was getting quiet. Anyways, besides becoming completely converted to the starch thing (thanks, Margo!), I'm still working on my strips of yellow, and thinking I' d love to do another batch. However, an adventure in coughing fits with bronchitis is slowing me down. I'm still on the wagon, or boat, or whatever we're all in together. Is anyone doing orange?
                I'll pass on your "adventure", Terrie! :shock: Hope you feel better soon!

                My second set of reels is sort of orangy/goldish, but I would love to receive another orange reel! (Photos tomorrow)

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  love the florids!

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    IDEA: If we want/need more people to join, why not try to post this forum topic under it's own name, not the "Friendship Triangle Exchange"? There are no triangles in this one.

                    Don't want to step on anyone's toes, just my mind going in overdrive. Right now I can think more than I can do, and the thinking's pretty stinkin'...Must be the antibiotics LOL.

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      Originally posted by crocus999
                      IDEA: If we want/need more people to join, why not try to post this forum topic under it's own name, not the "Friendship Triangle Exchange"? There are no triangles in this one.

                      Don't want to step on anyone's toes, just my mind going in overdrive. Right now I can think more than I can do, and the thinking's pretty stinkin'...Must be the antibiotics LOL.
                      Terrie, a new topic at that level on the forum must be started by an administrator. Maybe that will happen if/when something is posted on the Daily Blog?

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        I would definitely join this group, except I made a "spools" quilt ala Edyta Sitar when we did the Sensational Strippers Exchange (husband still makes suggestive comments about that...) So I won't be participating, but I would love to see it on the blog, and follow along with the progress... I miss the action (!) I will eventually post my "spools" quilt in Show and Tell... it is basted but not YET quilted

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          I tried you method for washing, starching/drying and pressing fabric for the Wot RoTT exchange. Out of all the methods I've tried to-date, I liked yours best for two main reasons: (1) when I pressed the fabric, the wrinkles came out instantly (was it because the starch conditioned the fibers as the fabric was drying?); and (2) because the wrinkles came out on the first press, I did not feel like I was fighting the fabric, and therefore, pressing no longer felt like a chore. 8)
                          Thank you for posting!


                            Originally posted by Renata
                            I tried you method for washing, starching/drying and pressing fabric for the Wot RoTT exchange. Out of all the methods I've tried to-date, I liked yours best for two main reasons: (1) when I pressed the fabric, the wrinkles came out instantly (was it because the starch conditioned the fibers as the fabric was drying?); and (2) because the wrinkles came out on the first press, I did not feel like I was fighting the fabric, and therefore, pressing no longer felt like a chore. 8)
                            Thank you for posting!
                            Glad it worked for you Renata! Thanks for sharing!

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Here is my second set of colors!

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                That was fast Margo! I love them. And you are right about the variegated thread! I, however, will be sticking with my greens - mainly because I was rather over zealous in my cutting for the first batch - so more 'florids' from me for my 'b' collection. Rita.


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