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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    Bren, your life sounds as hyper-active as mine! Isn't there something wonderful about restoring old buildings? Our home and our holiday home were both derelict buildings before we restored them. It is so rewarding and nice to think that we are preserving something for a few more generations (with luck). I don't know if you have found your way to the blogs yet but you would make a great blogger. Now what about being the first one to post your spools quilt in the Wot RoTT Show and Tell area?


      I'm not sure what u r talking about Rita? What and where is show and tell area?


        Originally posted by Millboroquilter
        I'm not sure what u r talking about Rita? What and where is show and tell area?
        You can be the first! see-quilts/show-and-tell-quilts/

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Originally posted by Margo
          Originally posted by Millboroquilter
          I'm not sure what u r talking about Rita? What and where is show and tell area?
          You can be the first! see-quilts/show-and-tell-quilts/
          Margo, You are the best. You are just always right there to show us the way to go and how to find out how to do what we need to do. Thank you! Lois


            Bren, the buildings you are working on sound interesting. We "fix" lots of things around here too. My husband says he is going to fix up an old building for us to retire in. As long as it has a Quilting Room. We did lots of the inside work on our log house 30 years ago. But there is always something more to finish or remodel. But, we had a house when the kids were small. It seems big now with just the two of us till the kids, and 6.8 grankids come out for the day. Grandchild #7 due in about a month! I looked on a map and see Millboro is 273 miles from Bowman, ND. We live 30 miles from Bowman, the closest grocery store, doctor, implement dealer, high school, etc. We like living out here where we don't see any traffic or have any noise. Have a good spring.


              Originally posted by gerbigk
              Bren, the buildings you are working on sound interesting. We "fix" lots of things around here too. My husband says he is going to fix up an old building for us to retire in. As long as it has a Quilting Room. We did lots of the inside work on our log house 30 years ago. But there is always something more to finish or remodel. But, we had a house when the kids were small. It seems big now with just the two of us till the kids, and 6.8 grankids come out for the day. Grandchild #7 due in about a month! I looked on a map and see Millboro is 273 miles from Bowman, ND. We live 30 miles from Bowman, the closest grocery store, doctor, implement dealer, high school, etc. We like living out here where we don't see any traffic or have any noise. Have a good spring.

              Oh ...My... Gosh...! We are 30 miles from toilet paper too! I mean from town too! :lol: :lol: :lol:

              My friends from town just dont get that toilet paper comment, if only they lived on the ranch during a 12 day blizzard, 4 and a half feet of snow, no electricity for 12 days, no running water because there is no power to pump the water and men who still have to "GO" and then you run out of TP!!! By the way for the city girls reading this you can flush your toilet during this no electricity 12 day period of time, all you have to do is take an empty 5 gallon bucket to the creek, chop a hole in the ice, fill your bucket with water, carry it back to the house and pour it in the stool... it will flush magically! With or without TP in it! LOL!

              Isn't it a small world? We too have a big empty house except when all the kids and 4.71/2 grandkids come home, then it is tiny again...

              The newest cowboy will be riding in sometime late May! Making it 2 grand cowgirls and 3 grand cowboys...

              Best of luck with your hubby fixing you a retirment house/building. We are having fun doing ours so far...(I think)... :shock: little by little... :wink:
              And Congtats on your new little grand baby! Aren't they just the BEST thing in life! :wink: Glad to hear from you neighbor to the North and fellow Dakotan!

              Always in stitches, Bren


                Originally posted by Margo
                Originally posted by Millboroquilter
                I'm not sure what u r talking about Rita? What and where is show and tell area?
                You can be the first! see-quilts/show-and-tell-quilts/
                Thanks Margo, You are so very helful and I do so very much appriciate you! Hugs! Bren


                  Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                  Bren, your life sounds as hyper-active as mine! Isn't there something wonderful about restoring old buildings? Our home and our holiday home were both derelict buildings before we restored them. It is so rewarding and nice to think that we are preserving something for a few more generations (with luck). I don't know if you have found your way to the blogs yet but you would make a great blogger. Now what about being the first one to post your spools quilt in the Wot RoTT Show and Tell area?
                  Rita, you know my pain! It is a lot of work but well worth it in the end I do hope! I wanted to tell you I love the name of where you live. Emerald Isle... it sounds so beautiful!


                    Originally posted by Lorna1021
                    What a gorgeous quilt! I love the ferny look of your background fabric and how that plays off the vine.

                    Crazy weather you are having... Prayers to all the areas that are having torandoes.

                    Thank you! May I ask, are you deployed to Germany or is your spouse serving? Our son was stationed near Guysfield (however you spell it) Bamberg for 4 yrs. beautiful country... would have been better had they some quilt shops! Just kidding everyone! The people were very quiet and to themselves but the food and beer was really good! The architect, cathedrals, rose gardens, art & history was out of this world fantastic. Anyway if you &/or your spouse is serving, I wanted to thank you and/or him for serving!
                    Always in stitches, Bren


                      Originally posted by LoriReid
                      I am in cincinnati at the quilt show and having a good time. Catching up on the posts that I haven't read for three days - lot to catch up on. Bren your quilt looks beautiful. Makes me even more anxious to get my spools back. Good things take time, so will patiently wait.
                      Lori, Thank you. We can hardly wait to hear about the show! "Really I am wishing I was there"...Be safe and post when you can...I can hardly wait to see what everyone does with their spools. I am starting my second one with friends from the Dakotas and Nebraska, it will prove interesting I'm sure...
                      Always in Stitches, Bren


                        Bren, How interesting that you live so close to Yvonne Hollenbach. I have seen her at The Cowboy Poetry Gathering and I knew she was a quilter, but I never got to one of the events she participated in. Now I want to get a hold of her CD and give it a listen. I so wish you would start blogging about your life - quilting and ranching. I believe you would have lots of interesting things to share with the TQS community. I loved hearing about what you've shared so far. Lois


                          Originally posted by Millboroquilter
                          Originally posted by gerbigk
                          Bren, the buildings you are working on sound interesting. We "fix" lots of things around here too. My husband says he is going to fix up an old building for us to retire in. As long as it has a Quilting Room. We did lots of the inside work on our log house 30 years ago. But there is always something more to finish or remodel. But, we had a house when the kids were small. It seems big now with just the two of us till the kids, and 6.8 grankids come out for the day. Grandchild #7 due in about a month! I looked on a map and see Millboro is 273 miles from Bowman, ND. We live 30 miles from Bowman, the closest grocery store, doctor, implement dealer, high school, etc. We like living out here where we don't see any traffic or have any noise. Have a good spring.

                          Oh ...My... Gosh...! We are 30 miles from toilet paper too! I mean from town too! :lol: :lol: :lol:

                          My friends from town just dont get that toilet paper comment, if only they lived on the ranch during a 12 day blizzard, 4 and a half feet of snow, no electricity for 12 days, no running water because there is no power to pump the water and men who still have to "GO" and then you run out of TP!!! By the way for the city girls reading this you can flush your toilet during this no electricity 12 day period of time, all you have to do is take an empty 5 gallon bucket to the creek, chop a hole in the ice, fill your bucket with water, carry it back to the house and pour it in the stool... it will flush magically! With or without TP in it! LOL!

                          Isn't it a small world? We too have a big empty house except when all the kids and 4.71/2 grandkids come home, then it is tiny again...

                          The newest cowboy will be riding in sometime late May! Making it 2 grand cowgirls and 3 grand cowboys...

                          Best of luck with your hubby fixing you a retirment house/building. We are having fun doing ours so far...(I think)... :shock: little by little... :wink:
                          And Congtats on your new little grand baby! Aren't they just the BEST thing in life! :wink: Glad to hear from you neighbor to the North and fellow Dakotan!

                          Always in stitches, Bren
                          Thanks for the note back. Grandkids are the best. We have 4 boys and twin girls so far. Will be fun to keep in touch.



                            Bren, the new photo of your old quilt studio is wonderful!! I'm sure that anyone who looks at it must break into a big smile!!

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Originally posted by Millboroquilter
                              Originally posted by Lorna1021
                              What a gorgeous quilt! I love the ferny look of your background fabric and how that plays off the vine.

                              Crazy weather you are having... Prayers to all the areas that are having torandoes.

                              Thank you! May I ask, are you deployed to Germany or is your spouse serving? Our son was stationed near Guysfield (however you spell it) Bamberg for 4 yrs. beautiful country... would have been better had they some quilt shops! Just kidding everyone! The people were very quiet and to themselves but the food and beer was really good! The architect, cathedrals, rose gardens, art & history was out of this world fantastic. Anyway if you &/or your spouse is serving, I wanted to thank you and/or him for serving!
                              Always in stitches, Bren

                              Bren ,

                              I am lucky enough to be stationed in England this time around. My husband is retired Air Force and I am still on Active Duty for a few more years. My step daughter and her husband are stationed at Landstuhl Germany.

                              I love, love, love the cathedrals, churches, sheep, ancient Roman and Anglo-Saxon ruins, museums, art, castles, manor houses...It is awesome to be here and experience life and history in the United Kingdom.




                                Originally posted by Lorna1021

                                Bren ,

                                I am lucky enough to be stationed in England this time around. My husband is retired Air Force and I am still on Active Duty for a few more years. My step daughter and her husband are stationed at Landstuhl Germany.

                                I love, love, love the cathedrals, churches, sheep, ancient Roman and Anglo-Saxon ruins, museums, art, castles, manor houses...It is awesome to be here and experience life and history in the United Kingdom.


                                And we nearly speak the same language too! :lol: :lol: :lol:


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