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SOS A memory book for our exchanges.

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    So, correct me if I'm wrong -- we don't have to have a quilt (or top) in the prototype book in order to have one in the finished book? I'm busily at work on my won't be done by September, but will be by January!

    "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


      Originally posted by leafy
      So, correct me if I'm wrong -- we don't have to have a quilt (or top) in the prototype book in order to have one in the finished book? I'm busily at work on my won't be done by September, but will be by January!
      That's right, Jan. Carol just wants to have something put together to show the TQS members in Houston in November, but the January deadline is for the final version of the book.

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        I hadn't been following this blog and its good I checked in today. I was thinking the preliminary deadline was 9/30 but it is 9/1. I am hoping to have the top done by then but I am sure the quilting will not be done. So sorry to hear about your loss, Joan. Lois


          Lois - thanks for the last note, I too was thinking the end of September not the beginning! (took me a while to work out your way of writing dates :? , as per usual, but at least it got me to go and check the official guidelines :wink: )


            Rosemary, It figures we do all kinds of confusing things - like drive on the wrong side of the road too. Except we would say that you drive on the wrong side of the road. At least we can understand one another well enough to keep us headed in the right direction and know when its time to step on the gas so to speak. Have a good day. Lois


              Loise - I've just read your profile and laughed out loud when I read that you were given quilt fabric from when you were a baby and you recieved them at 40 years old! Now THAT has to be one of the longest WIP or UFO I've heard of to date. Can anyone beat that? A 40 year old project! Now, I don't feel so bad about the timeline on a few of my projects! :lol: :lol:


                Terrie, I am sure my Grandma had good intentions to finish that quilt herself. The fabric is rather fragile to start with and if she had gotten it done when I was a baby it wouldn't have gotten me hooked on quilting and I wouldn't be enjoying it now. I like to laugh about making my own baby quilt. It is fun to tell the story and I must say I have told it more than once. Have a good day! Lois


                  Hahaha Loise = got to say that's a unique WIP story!



                    Originally posted by crocus999
                    Loise - I've just read your profile and laughed out loud when I read that you were given quilt fabric from when you were a baby and you recieved them at 40 years old! Now THAT has to be one of the longest WIP or UFO I've heard of to date. Can anyone beat that? A 40 year old project! Now, I don't feel so bad about the timeline on a few of my projects! :lol: :lol:
                    I know that it is not quilting, but my mother started a tablecloth, I believe on their honeymoon, she's nearly got a quarter of it done and it is their Golden Wedding anniversary this October. Does this count? :lol:


                      Rosemary - I'd say "yes!" What a hoot! I guess that's part of the human bean gene that likes to create more with our head than with our hands - The only answer I can come up with is we need more hands! Or, like the deadline for the book - that's really helping with giving things a push!

                      BTW - I just did a 'private' exchange and finally got one of your HSTs - I am honoured because your are THE "EE" :!:


                        Originally posted by crocus999

                        BTW - I just did a 'private' exchange and finally got one of your HSTs - I am honoured because your are THE "EE" :!:
                        Ok, I'm biting :? , what on earth is THE "EE" :!: - because I don't think that it can be part of 'Ee bah gum' - a local Yorkshire saying, because you're not from Yorkshire :wink: and I cannot think of any other translation :?: .


                          Is it Embroideress Extroedinaire?
                          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                            Originally posted by PosyP
                            Originally posted by crocus999
                            Loise - I've just read your profile and laughed out loud when I read that you were given quilt fabric from when you were a baby and you recieved them at 40 years old! Now THAT has to be one of the longest WIP or UFO I've heard of to date. Can anyone beat that? A 40 year old project! Now, I don't feel so bad about the timeline on a few of my projects! :lol: :lol:
                            I know that it is not quilting, but my mother started a tablecloth, I believe on their honeymoon, she's nearly got a quarter of it done and it is their Golden Wedding anniversary this October. Does this count? :lol:
                            Rosemary, That is 50 years and still in the running because it is not finished yet. Your mother better get busy because if she keeps going at this rate it will take another 150 years to finish it. This might call for some assistance from none other than, EE. Can't complete for the title until its done. Lois


                              Yes, I meant Embroidress Extrordinare!!

                              Don't know what that saying means in Yorkshire, but when I visited there, I did get a parking ticket (paid it) and was baffled with a comment about "Flippin' 'eks" I wondered why they were talking about flipping eggs? But then caught on that it meant "Flipping Heck!" I ended up with a glossary at the back of my travel journal with two lists - one of English in Britian and one of English in Canadian. I still smile when I read it!


                                Now for me EE would stand for Eating Everthing!



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