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    For those of you who may be interested in Embrodiery the RSN we keep mentioning is the Royal School of Needlework who are now based at Hampton
    Court Palace (Henry the V111 ths Pad) there work is amazing all Hand embroidery , It is the best in the Country if not futher afield as well . So our
    Rosemary must be pretty talented at embroidery . Had a look around there web site and found this lovely image done by an apprentice at the school
    pretty impressive I would say.

    I had forgoten how truly scrumptious Michael York was back in the day , Hot flush coming on again :lol:
    Yn Harddwch Gogledd Cymru


      Originally posted by Suewarby
      For those of you who may be interested in Embrodiery the RSN we keep mentioning is the Royal School of Needlework who are now based at Hampton
      Court Palace (Henry the V111 ths Pad)

      I had forgoten how truly scrumptious Michael York was back in the day , Hot flush coming on again :lol:
      And Henry the V111 swiped it off Cardinal Wolsey, after they fell out about his divorce from Catherine of Aragon (wife no. 1) was it legal etc.

      I'll have to blog about some of my other pieces from the RSN sometime soon.
      Yn Harddwch Gogledd Cymru


        "I'll have to blog about some of my other pieces from the RSN sometime soon."

        I am looking forward to that, Rosemary.


          Make sure you do that Rosemary
          Yn Harddwch Gogledd Cymru


            looking forward to that / those blogs


              Lotti, I think I commented on your new Avatar before but you need to know that it continues to make me smile again and again. I keep thinking that you look as if you are having way, way, way too much fun!


                Thank you, Lois. It was fun. As I keep my carneval activities fairly limited these days ( and almost alcohol-free), I actually wake up without headaches and get to just enjoy it all. Every morning as I walk to work I pass one of the main party-halls, and every morning there were a surprising number of walking corpses still out and about. And I was always so happy to have had a decent nights sleep behind me... I must be getting old :P


                  Lotti, Older, wiser and still having fun. No fun going to work feeling like a zombie.


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