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Can anyone recommend a comprehensive book for beginners??

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    Can anyone recommend a comprehensive book for beginners??

    I want to look at the best ones. I have one that's great (I'm not sure the title) but it isn't helpful on rotary cutting or machine quilting. thanks, Jan

    I have

    Quilting Guide by Fons and Porter... classic teaches all techniques

    BH&G Complete Guide to Quilting

    The Quilting Bible and Quilting Resource Book are helpful

    You will probably need specialty books for MACHINE QUILTING

    Karen Mc Tavish has great DVDs with her books so you can see what she is talking about... but she is a long armer but she does show domestic machine work and hand quilting using her patterns.

    Patsy Thompson's fast and free DVDs show the basics of Machine Quilting. I like the DVDs better than books for learning how to actually handle the larger quilts.

    I am making quilt sandwiches that I am going to turn into a sofa throw with all my practice pieces... Sofa throws in my house have a short life span due to all the washing... I feel this is a economical use of my practice pieces. I can refer back to them and also build my skills while I am making them..

    Easy Machine Quilting 12 step by step lessons... by Jane Townswick, editor

    Harriet Hargrave's Heirloom Machine Quilting is a classic

    Quilting Makes the Quild by Lee Cleland

    I also go to Sharon Schambers Web site and look at all her Free Video Lessons... She is a major prize winner and has a lot of novel domestic machine quilting techniques that work well with my quilting style.

    For good books on ROTARY CUTTING TRY:

    pOWER cUTTING by Debbie Caffrey

    Rodales Quilting Library... ROTARY CUTTING AND SPEED PIECING


      I sure agree with many of the books suggested. The Fons and Porter book remains one of my favorites after many years for all the basics that I either never learned or forgot. It's well organized with clear instructions and good photos. I turn to it often -- a wonderful referenece

      For home machine quilting, I still love Harriet Hargraves, Heirloom Machine Quilting for very detailed instruction. Of course, you need to sit down and actually read these books to profit from all the great instruction, but the time is well spent.


        I have a bazillion quilting books, but if I had to get rid of all of them except one, I'd probably hang on to Better Homes & Gardens Complete Guide to Quilting.


          Quilters Complete Guide by Fons and Porter is my favorite. It always has the answers to any question or problem I have. Right now all books are 40% off at

          I bought some books last night, by the way, shipping is free if the purchase is over $50.



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