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    Hi Everyone,
    I lady at church just gave me a large bag of yo-yos today. I was wondering if anyone has used yo-yos for something other than the traditional quilt, what kind of variations did you might make? This project will have to wait for a little while, but I wanted to get some of your ideas.
    I'd appreciate any help you can give, the colors of the yo-yos are varied, 4-5 different colorways .

    Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada

    I recently bought a scarf from a charity stall at a quilt show. It consists of nothing but tiny yo-yos and is gorgeous.

    I have also seen some wonderful totebags that have a row of yo-yos sewn arond the top - very pretty.

    A quilter I know made a cot quilt for her new granddaughter. She put the little one's initial, made from yo-yos, on the centre panel.

    And how about using some in a wallhanging as the centre for flowers. You can appliqué the petals.

    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


      I've seen projects where the Yo-Yos were strung together to make the arms and legs of toys.

      Here's one example I found.

      From Dorset, England


        Yo-yo's make great three dimensional flowers on a garden picture or bouquet wall hanging. If you use different sizes, you get a great effect. Done in the right colors, they can become wheels on a car or truck for a little boy. Or can be used for just about anything circular. Britt had a blog a few days ago that showed her using them but she called the JoJo's (Norwegian variation of the name I think). Did you do them the old fashioned way or use the yo yo maker tool that was available in the Shoppe? Have fun with them, Ann


          A friend of mine made Christmas trees to hang up for the holidays. She made a tiny gold yo yo then progressivly larger green yo yos in various shades of green and two or three medium size brown yo yos for the trunk. She strung them all together and added a gold ribbon at the top to hang it. They sold well at our quilt show Boutique that year. Betty Ann


            A friend of mine stitched a couple yo-yo's on her little denim purse and added a button to the middle of each yo-yo. It's so cute!



              Here's two suggestions.

              1. Last year, I saw a very contemporary take on a yo-yo quilt while shopping at an Ethan Allen furniture store. The quilt was also shown in the store's catalog. The yo-yos were attached to a solid black background, then sandwiched like a traditional quilt. It wasn't the typical open type of yo-yo quilt. It looked similar to the technique used in the yo-yo pillow project found on one of my favorite blogs---> Check it out.

              I found my scanned photos of the contemporary quilt which I can e-mail to you if you provide me with your e-mail address. I love this quilt and have making one on my "TO DO" list.

              2. Check out the Bloomin' Yo-Yos ---->
              I think these could be adapted into a contemporary take on a yo-yo quilt.


                Hi On my profile in the show and tell bit at the bottom, there is a photo of Christmas Trees made with yo-yos, they are fun and easy to make.

                Dorothy suffolk UK


                  Originally posted by NancyinSTL
                  Last year, I saw a very contemporary take on a yo-yo quilt while shopping at an Ethan Allen furniture store
                  You can now see a photo of this quilt on the Ethan Allen website at ---> Unfortunately, this photo doesn't show the beautiful backing, but I have a scanned copy of the back. The backing is mostly white with a few rows of solid black stripes alternating with a row of black dots--like a contemporary take on ticking fabric.

                  I thought you might also like this yo-yo pattern--->


                    I have made a full size quilt in yo-yos. Took me 9 months...but they are so portable you can take them anywhere and they fit in your purse in a ziplock. Great for long sits at the hospital or doctor office or watching TV.

                    I've made several table runners and the wine bottle holder Nancy mentioned. The table runners make great gifts. I made one for myself from Lynette Jennings design where the yo-yo's surround 3 evenly spaced "mini" quilt blocks that are fussy cut and bound. (hope that makes sense) It is my favorite and everyone loves it.

                    I just bought a new lamp shade for a lamp in my sewing room that's made from pillow ticking material. I edged the bottom with yo-yo's to dress it up. Looks real cute.

                    I've also made pillow tops from them.

                    Have fun with them! Shirley

                    Shreveport, Louisiana
                    Bernina 440QE


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