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Piano Quilt

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    Piano Quilt

    I attended a quilt show yesterday and saw a quilt of a piano that I would really love to make. The card with it indicated that the pattern came from the February 2005 issue of McCall's Quilting. I tried the magazine's website, but their back issues for purchase cover only 2008 and 2009. Would anyone have a copy of this issue or of the pattern?

    #2 or - is it the watercolor piano quilt? that's easy to find.


      McCall's Quilting, the issue that you are looking for, is available here:

      They're having a back issue blowout sale and it's only $3.00. It appears to me that it's in stock.

      JoAnne in southern California


        Thank you all for your help in finding this pattern.

        Carol, I received your message and tried emailing you, but the message keeps coming back as not delivered yet.


          I have that issue if you are unable to get one.(I can copy it for you) My partner has one and plays the piano just like the quilt in the magazine and I plan to make one (someday) down the line. Rina


            Originally posted by Wayland
            I have that issue if you are unable to get one.(I can copy it for you) My partner has one and plays the piano just like the quilt in the magazine and I plan to make one (someday) down the line. Rina
            Rina, I would like to suggest that you do NOT make a copy, for someone else, of a pattern in a magazine. Patterns in magazines are usually copyrighted.

            Last year I had misplaced my issue of a particular magazine and needed a pattern in it for the kit I had purchased. I contacted the magazine and was told that I could not photocopy a friend's issue because the patterns were all under copyright. I bought another copy of that issue. Of course I found my missing one that evening!



              OK, thanks for the information. I didn't know about that....Rina


                Originally posted by Wayland
                OK, thanks for the information. I didn't know about that....Rina
                Rina, I hadn't known that either. I figured that it would be all right since I was a subscriber and actually already had the magazine (somewhere!). But, not so. I could make a copy of my own issue for my own use but not for anyone else. And my friend could not copy her magazine for me.

                That actually makes sense, if everyone made copies of patterns in magazines and books for others, eventually there would be no one publishing the magazines and books anymore. They have to make money on them.



                  It all depends on the magazine. Several years ago I taught a technique called the 3-D Bowtie at a guild retreat. I wrote to the magazine and they told me I could make copies of the one-page instructions for everyone at the retreat if I included the name & address of the magazine on the edge of each copy. Of course, this was a "technique" and maybe that was why they were so nice about it. The magazine was also not a current one that could be bought. But it's always good to contact the magazine and get permission. Always remember to keep the permission letter, too, so you are covered in case any questions are asked.


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