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Have you ever been published in a book or magazine?

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    Have you ever been published in a book or magazine?

    Have you ever been published in a book or magazine? Tell me how you did that.


    in Vancouver, Canada

    Sort of like being published - the 2nd quilt I ever made turned out great and I sent a picture to the magazine that printed the pattern and they printed it in another issue. It was exciting! Nancy in NY

    in Vancouver, Canada


      I was published in a crochet magazine. They had a contest and if you won--you pattern was published. I won!

      in Vancouver, Canada


        Jan, are you interested in who's been published.....or how you go about being published yourself????

        When I wrote my book I sent a proposal (they have a form to fill out) to the publisher. After it was approved, then I got the manuscript together and we went from there.
        (It was my 15 minutes of fame, but it's long since out of print and outdated.)

        Some magazines accept articles that are sent in for their publications, and sometimes they ask for submissions for quilt photos. Also, some hold contests and ask for quilts, like the Keepsake Quilting catalog (which I won "staff's choice" one year!)

        Let us know if we can see something you get published!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          One of my quilts (Rejoice!) was published in Fons and Porter's Love of Quilting last year. The editor who writes the art quilts feature contacted me because she had seem my quilt here, on TQS. Out of the blue...but I was really excited and she wrote a nice blurb that went with it. Cheers, Betty Jo

          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


            I've had a quilt in an AQS Quilt Art calendar as well a couple of photos in an older magazine.

            More recently though, two of my mystery novels, which also include clues to make a mystery quilt have been published. Now they are on Kindle too. Murder by Serpents: The Mystery Quilt and Murder by Artifact: The Murder Quilt.

            "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


              My comments from an online comment form were published in the "letters to the editor" in a magazine. I was not flattered as I didn't know that that was even a remote possibility so seeing my name and town attached to an abbreviated quip that didn't contain one complete sentence was not all that exciting.


                I did a quilt for the 1996 Olympics. Quilts were given as gifts to each participating country. My quilt went to Cameroon. It is pictured in the Olympic Quilts book that was published showing all the quilts. I was a new quilter then, and was really scared to even do one!!


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