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How Do I become published?

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    How Do I become published?

    I think I can write a book regarding some new techniques and designs I have not seen in any other books.

    How can an unknown quilter get published and how much could one expect to make from a quilting book?



    aka ladyquilter

    Troutdale, OR
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    You can start by self-publishing online, where the books are printed on demand. There are a few different websites that offer this service, such as and

    aka ladyquilter

    Troutdale, OR
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->


      Gregory Case talked about self-publishing in one of the recent episodes. Can't remember which one, but it was one of the 400s.

      If you go to the Watch a Show, then look under the 400 Series, then the description for each show, one of them will list Gregory Case, Photo Man as one of the guests. That'll be the one.



        American Quilter's Magazine often asks for new authors for articles so they might also be interested in a book as well. If you don't get the magazine I could get the address for you. Good luck. Julie


          Hey Jan,

          Start by checking out the publishers' web pages. All of them include guidelines for submitting a proposal.

          Look at the kind of books that each publisher puts out and decide which would be the best fit for your idea.

          Do a bang up job on the proposal. It's your introduction to the publishers. If it seems like too much work then you're probably more interested in being an author than being a writer. Writing a good book is a lot of hard work.

          Submit to only one company at a time. Be ready for rejection, but keep working on your idea so that the next proposal can be even better.

          Don't expect to make a ton of money. If the book is a best seller that's all cool, but most are not.

          And finally, for heaven sakes, what are you waiting for? Get busy!



            Originally posted by NancyinSTL
            You can start by self-publishing online, where the books are printed on demand. There are a few different websites that offer this service, such as and
            If you do decide to publish the book yourself, please, please, please hire a professional editor to help polish your copy!

            Okay, I have a bias. But I guarantee your readers will bless you if you work with a qualified editor.

            And your next-door neighbour's cousin's daughter who teaches high-school English doesn't count. I'd hate to tell you what I've seen in manuscripts written by English teachers. (*shudder*)

            Anne in Vancouver, Canada

            in Vancouver, Canada


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