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Antique quilt block name?

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    It is hard to go wrong with a two color quilt. I love the blue and white that you made.


      Nancy, "Arnie's Rising Stars" is the name that Diane Gaudynski gave one of her quilts. It's named after one of her cats, so that's not exactly a "historical" name! And I think that it gives us permission to name out quilts anything we want to name them!! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with this pattern!

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Originally posted by cjbeg
        nice job Nancy. As mentioned many times through out the forums, try starch for the bias edges and walking foot. that should take care of too much stretching. Cheryl
        Hi Cheryl,

        Great tips! I did consider using starch, but didn't want to attract silverfish, which can happen if the block is stored for a long time. Unfortunately, I don't own a walking foot for my 38 year old Singer Futura machine. :cry:

        After going back to the pattern instructions, I realize that I likely caused the stretching by placing the first quarter square triangles on the four straight grain sides of the octagonal center, instead of the four bias sides. However, I took great care to cut the pieces on the proper fabric grain. Next time, I will more carefully read the instructions and not rely so much on the pictures--my bad. ops:

        Thanks to all who gave me feedback.


        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Nancy, since we live on the coast in an area where insects thrive, I don't use starch, either, but I do go through large quantities of industrial-strength spray sizing that I find at the local grocery stores and Wally World--I think it's Magic brand. And now, I am using Elmer's School Glue to hold pieces together for sewing instead of pins. I put a thin bead of the glue about a half inch from the edge of a piece, put the piece to be sewn on, then heat-set with my iron, sew, and pop the glue apart. I have to wash the quilt after it's done, but that's okay, since I want to block it anyway.

          Pat in Rockport, TX

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Hi Pat,

            I also developed a similar freezer paper & glue stick technique that makes curved piecing a breeze with no pinning. It was so much fun making these blocks for my Baker's Dozen exchange this weekend. Dots was the theme.

            I can no longer find my favorite sizing product, Niagara "Easy Iron" and nothing else seems to compare. So, I'm still looking for it and hope it hasn't been taken off of the market.


            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Nancy, Have you asked Google about where that spray starch may be sold? Google has become a place I ask a lot of questions! Terry


                Originally posted by quilting00
                Nancy, Have you asked Google about where that spray starch may be sold? Google has become a place I ask a lot of questions! Terry
                Hi Terry,

                Yes, I'm an avid web surfer. I've found a few websites that sell this product, but they are usually out of stock when I try to order. That's why I think this product may no longer be produced, or is only produced for certain markets. Whenever I find it, I buy several.



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