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Cuesta Benberry Block

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    Cuesta Benberry Block

    Years ago, a block was designed in honor of Cuesta Benberry. Has anyone made this block or seen a photo of this block finished? If so, please post where I can see it. I heard that the pattern is published in a book, but I've been unable to find it online or in a library. If you know the name of the book, please let me know.


    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ

    Hi Nancy,I found a block called Cuesta's Choice designed by Hazel Carter at the mentions "Kennedy Eternal Flame"designed by Ceusta Benberry and a quilt called "Jo Baker's Birthday" designed by Faith Ringgold in honor of Cuesta installed in the St. Louis Art Museum. Hope this helps.Sorry,I don't know how to put a link into this message. Julie


      Hi again,this might be less confusing.Just go to The page you are looking for is quilting treasures.There are several different links to it,but right in the center is a circle of icons,just click on the treasure box.On the treasure page under portraits click on Cuesta,then on photo gallery,then on Cuesta gallery.Photos 5&6are of the block.Much less confusing,right?Sorry, I'm a computer dunce! Hope this helps.Julie


        Hi Julie,

        How did you ever find this????

        Thanks so much! Actually, I already had a copy of the Cuesta's Choice quilt block pattern (as in photos 5 & 6). What I didn't have is a copy of the finished block, so I didn't know which pieces should be dark or light or medium fabrics. I did notice in the background of photo 7 is a small image of the finished block--oh, how I wish it were in color. Anyway, this gives me a some idea of what the finished block should look like. This is the best I've found so far. Now, I know why a search on "Cuesta's Choice" doesn't return these webpages--it's only printed in the photo.

        I was told that this pattern was published in a book somewhere, but so far I haven't had any luck finding it. If I ever do find it, I will let you know.

        Again, thanks,


          Oh,I see....I didn't notice that was the same block behind them.Knowing the colors or at least the lights and darks makes a big difference.I like to piece,but this one looks pretty compicated.If you make it,post a picture.Glad to be of some help.Maybe I'll fool with it too if I get a free moment. Julie



            You're right. It does seem complex, especially since it's only an 8" block. However, I will try it now that I know the fabric values to use. It appears to be made of five different values--light, med light, medium, med dark, and dark.

            I will post my finished block when I complete it. I might try making a larger block first, just to make it easier. You will be notified when it's posted on my profile.

            Cuesta was an honorary member of my guild, but hadn't attended meetings since I joined due to her ill health. Fortunately, I did get to meet her once and exchange a few e-mails with her. She was a lovely woman. I wanted to make a Cuesta's Choice block in her honor.

            Have a good weekend,


              Wow! What a great website! Thanks, Julie. Nancy, how lucky you are to have met Cuesta Benberry! I remember her name mentioned so many times in the 1980's. That block is beautiful and I'm tempted to draft it and make it. I would probably hand piece it. What method will you use? I don't remember seeing it in any publication before. Your making the block will be a great tribute to her. Judy in Torrance


                Hi Judy,

                I think I'll start by making one large block into a wall hanging, so I'd probably machine piece it. The black & white photo of the block helps a little in giving me an idea of the fabric values, but I suspect there are more than just five fabrics because there are several connecting pieces that are of the same value. It would be so nice to see the colors.

                It's hard to believe that this pattern would not be published somewhere. I've been searching for Hazel Carter quilts to give me an idea of her style and color choices. Hopefully, that will help.



                  Hi, Nancy,
                  You might contact Quilter's Newsletter Magazine to see if any of their early issues had any articles about Cuesta. This magazine has been spotlighting many quilters and their work since 1969. Also, if you can find out the colors of the quilts Cuesta made or collected, that might help with colors for the block. Ladies Circle Patchwork Quilts, a magazine now out of print, used to be a great resource, too. I only have four copies that I kept, but I'll look through them and if I find something, I'll let you know.


                    Great idea, Judy! I'll try that!



                      Today, I received a color photo of the actual Cuesta's Choice block in the Quilter's Hall of Fame that was designed by Hazel Carter. The photo was taken by a quilt guild member who recently was visiting Indiana. The block is made using all solid colors. The center is made of two different med & dark reds alternating, surrounded by white, then light & dark greys alternating. The little squares and HSTs on the corners are made of black HSTs, two different med & dark greens HSTs, and two different med & dark brown squares. One of the browns looks like burgundy and one of the reds is an orangey red. I would like to post the photo, but I do not have permission. So, I will replicate the block and post my own photo.



                        (That's one long continuous link)

                        Is this what you are after?

                        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood



                          Thanks, Lorchen, so much! This photo must have just recently posted, because I've previously searched this website for this block. Also, I can now see what the true colors are, which are slightly different than what's in the photo I have.


                          Update - I just compared the photo that was sent to me to the photo on the Quilt Index website and realized that the block in the museum actually used different colors than the block given to Cuesta Benberry. I could tell because the light and dark colors were not in the same positions.
                          From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                            Thanks for the link Lorchen.I drafted the block onto graph paper but that's as far as I got,the color photo is a big help.Maybe I'll get to it in 2010!?


                              What a beautiful block! Good luck.


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