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Dear Jane information

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    Dear Jane information

    I have been hand piecing a Dear Jane scrappy quilt for the past year. This last November I was in a car accident. While I was in the hospital my hubby had someone come in a clean the house. She moved the DJ quilt into a plastic tub down into the basement. I had 40 blocks and 15 triangles completed. I did not find the quilt blocks until this week. I had been heart broke but am now doing a HAPPY DANCE.

    I use the DJ cD to print out my blocks. I paper pieced most of them and am now learning a new pp piecing technique using freezer paper and folding the pattern back. I print out the pattern using my printer onto the freezer paper. This allows me to make several blocks a week. If I had to hand draft the patterns I would get nothing done.

    I have included contact information for the DJ list.... you should come and read some of the archive lists, lurk and just have fun..... everyone is friendly and will help if you have questions. There is also a great web page with lots of pictures and information. I think you will find it enjoyable.

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    On the DJ list Brenda announce that there is a whole line of new fabrics inspired by Dear Jane quilt. She also announce they have cheater cloth being released with all the blocks in sections... sew the sections together and you can have a copy of the dear jane quilt. I have included the link for the fabric if you guys want to take a look.

    >> The only fabric in the line NOT from Jane's quilt is the one with the Greek
    >> Key. It is a French fabric from 1850, in honor of my favorite Greek Pete:
    >> skews 28381-1, 28381-3, 28381-6)

    I have decided I will probably buy some panels but I am thinking this might stimy my desire to finsih the quilt blocks I have been working on over the last couple of years.

    What do you think of making a Dear Jane from cheater panels. ???


      Part of the fun in the Dear Jane blocks for me is feeling a part of history as I handpiece the blocks. I probably wouldn't use the cheater cloth myself, but I think all quilters should enjoy the journey, and if that means cheater cloth, go for it!


        I read in the Piece O'Cake blog yesterday that they're not calling it cheater cloth anymore. Now it's convenience cloth. Doesn't that sound so much nicer?
        I have a Quilted Diamonds project started. I just can't get motivated to work on it. Is anyone else here doing this quilt?

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          Originally posted by eileenkny
          I have a Quilted Diamonds project started. I just can't get motivated to work on it. Is anyone else here doing this quilt?
          I started doing the Quilted Diamonds about the same time that I started the Dear Jane blocks last summer. When I finished enough diamonds to make into something, I made the hexagonal star piece shown on p 141 in the 1st book.

          My Dear Jane project is put away for a while, but I hope to get back to it in a month or two. I found that all those tiny pieces became overwhelming after a while, but the project is still something I want to complete. Marge

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            I haven't done much at the DearJane site b/c I have too much other stuff to read! I'm even behind on TQS! *gasp!*

            I learned about pp on freezer paper with the DJ instructions that come with the BOM from Stitchin Heaven in TX. I just pp as usual with it and LOVE that the little pieces stick to the fp. I print the fp in my printer and feel so smug... it is the slickest thing!

            @julesquilts on IG 
            working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
            Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
            Bernina Artista 200E, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines.


              What is this pp on freezer paper you all are talking about? How can I find out about it?


                paper piecing on freezer paper

                Here is the way I do it.

                I cut my freezer paper to the size of a card stock page 8 x 11.5 I know they have pre cut sheets of freezer paper but it is expensive and hard to come by where I live.

                I then taped it to a sheet of card stock. I put it through my inkjet printer... lazer is not suitable as the heat would destroy the freezer paper. I would then print the pattern on the freezer paper.

                ( I have the DJ software... I also use it for any applique or template pattern I need from books or magazines. )

                I can then paper piece or applique using the freezer paper templates. It saves having to copy and trace. I like the way the freezer paper holds on to the fabric when I press the patches during the PP process.

                I stay stich around the finished block as it make it more stable.

                When the block is done I score the freezer paper with my stiletto or a pin along the stitching lines then tear the freezer paper from behind the block.

                I have tried other methods of PP but this is one of the best and easiest...

                HOpe this helps

                HOPE this helps...


                  That is sooo helpful. I did not know where to start and your directions are good. I am going out to find the cut freezer paper on the size of 8 x 11.5 fed ex is across the street, maybe they have it. They have a lot of paper supplies.


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