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A challenge for your sewing space (6)

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    A challenge for your sewing space (6)

    Do you have a few quilt MAGAZINES in your sewing space? Have they spilled over into your living room? Bedroom? Bathroom?

    Until 2007 I was pretty good about keeping mine organized, but since then they have run a muck all over the house! I need to do something about that. :roll:

    (I think that TQS took over my life!) :wink:

    I challenge you do do something with yours too. What's your plan? Will you keep all of them and organize them?

    Will you cull out the ones you don't think you have a use for? Will you throw them away? Share them with other quilters? Cut out just the parts you think you might use again?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !

    I've given back years away to our guild who has a huge supply too. Some they sell, others are for loan.

    I'm ok in that department although one of these years, it'll have to happen again. Life. Change. Guaranteed.


      Several months ago I scoured my house and gathered up all my magazines and stacked them in a corner in my sewing room intending to go through them and cut out the interesting patterns and articles. Well - that hasn't happened yet, and now there are more scattered over the house. I really must tackle that soon, but right now there are too many time sensitive projects to take of. And so it goes!!!


        I no longer buy magazines or books, actually haven't for about five years. That change came with me going on the internet. There is a whole wide world of information whenever I feel the need without scouring my brain as to where I might find it. At that time I was dealing with a LQS that paid you 25% of original price and then sold them at 50% of original price. I never could bring myself to rip out patterns but used to mark things that caught my eye with post it notes. Just checking out a few forums on a regular basis gives me far more ideas that I can complete in 20 life times. I think this system works well for me as I feel the need to be fairly original in my hobbies but still keeping to traditional values. This works far better in quilting than it did in dressmaking or knitting garments as those items had to fit a body shape. I also used the plastic ring binder slip on back bones (don't know the official name) to secure the magazines in binders, all in date order by title.


          Margo, do you have any idea how hard these sewing space challenges have been for me while I'm living in the RV? LOL Last Fall before I left, I actually did go through all my quilting magazines and cut out patterns I thought I might do, got rid of some magazines, etc. The only ones I couldn't bring myself to totally get rid of were the Fons & Porter - it seems like I go back to them time after time. I let my subscription expire, but I am missing it and may renew. I did leave my sewing space very tidy and am looking forward to getting home to it within the next 4 - 6 weeks.


            Well, Margo, so far all I've done about your sewing-room challenges is read them & think, Uh-Huh, I really OUGHTA do THAT...but this one, I'm on top of already. A few months back, I decided the teetering piles needed to go. They were stacked in, and above, cardboard boxes in a spare bedroom.

            I've gradually been reading thru them, then taking them in to my weekly sewing group. If no one takes them, I drop them off at the library. There must be a closet quilter in town, for they always disappear from there immediately. My stacks are gradually going down, and now are piled neatly and discreetly disguised with a spare length of fabric.

            If I find something I think I actually might make, and I'm more realistic nowadays than I used to be, I tear it out and put it (theoretically) in a binder divided into sections like "stars," "log cabin," etc. For my "current" magazines, I bought a few magazine files at Staples so I can at least keep fairly recent issues more tidy. Of course, there are still quilt magazines here and there around the house, but hey -- I live here!


              Jan, I love the idea of donating them to the library! Great tip!

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                I just love these challenges Margo, but I now have to confess that I am going to be very much behind until I get several projects done and out of my way. My magazines are neatly stacked, but need to be gone through ...I have gotten the holders for them to keep then tamed down and neat, but they are having to wait in the queue for a while heart and head are in the right physical being is hurrying with other things to be done first. :roll:

                Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


                  Great one Margo!!! When our post in India was over, many years ago, I donated ALL my Quilter's Newsletter magazines (15 years worth?) to a local guild in New Delhi who are still using them. From then on about once a year I go through my mags and tear out anything I want to save. These then get transfered to a binder where the articles and cut outs are kept in plastic sleeves for easy access. The only mags that I do keep tidy in appropriate boxes are the Quilting Arts and Piecemaker ones. However, currently I have a few quilting mags by my bedside and several here in the living room and one or two in my classroom!!!

                  Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


                    Ha! This one I did back in November so I can mark that off. I went thru the ones I know I will never use and gave away to a friend and the local library. The rest are in binders.

                    Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


                      I only keep the magazines that have something in it that makes me go 'WOW'! The rest I give away to quilting friends. I'll do a more serious cull after I retire in 2014. I have a shockingly bad memory, so I love to go back and read old magazines again. They seem new to me every time.
                      From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                        This has been a challenge for me for some time. Seem that I have made my own sewing room challenges parallel to Margo planning this.
                        I have not had time to complete everything yet, but I sure will give my quilting magazines to someone who wants to look. And she has to promise me, I don't get them back .

                        living in Central Denmark
                        Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                          Well Margo I gave all my old magazines to my sister in law. Of course I had to check them all out to be sure there wasn't something in any of them that I would like to make but probably will never in my lifetime get to, but I was fun checking them all out. Slowly getting the rest of the small room cleaned up and looking neat again. Keep the challenges coming.

                          living in Central Denmark
                          Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                            I have a ton of magazines in bookcase in the garage, (they are organized) some in living room, some in quilting room and several boxes of magazines my Mom gave me. Books and soft cover books don't count do they? Do you see the picture forming? My name is Sandi and I am a hoarder!! :shock: Do I need an intervention? No...just send me any mags you don't want! :lol: Sandi

                            living in Central Denmark
                            Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                              Well, I started working on a project yesterday only to find my Dstitch card MIA. While in search of the card, I ended up organizing my books and magazines which included moving my genealogy books to the office. The books and magazines I am no longer interested in will go to the local library. Now my book shelves are neatly organized with labels. Unfortunately my stash is also in the same area and needs a lot of attention. The stash has out grown the containers and need a new plan of attack. In the end I did find the card but i was on a roll with the books. Never did get back to the project.

                              living in Central Denmark
                              Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


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