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Lauren Vlcek's Fabric Fancification

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    Very cute, Nancy ! I Went back to mine this afternoon and found that Big Bernie was out on strike ! :evil: Well, at least she
    won't sew !! :evil: No need to tell you a long string of blue words ensued....Now she is packed up until can get her to the
    service man. :evil: I spoke too soon a while back when I told of having a bobbin sensor replaced and that fixed the star/stop
    problem :evil: :evil: ! :cry: :cry:
    So.....Out came the Viking and it will do the job finishing things up ! Pheew !...and Whisper quilt is on the way ! Well..can't
    worry ! Hope all are having a great weekend !


      Nancy, I am liking your quilt. Can't wait to get started on mine. It's crazy how other things, other people's ideas for use of my creative time, jump to the top of the priority list.

      Marilyn, It really stinks that Big Bernie is giving you fits. Not fair. Hoping that machine is still unter warranty. Any chance of that? Hoping for a quick recovery for BB.


        Sorry to hear that Big Bernie isn't feeling well! I know how you feel since my main machine has been to the doctor since before I left for Houston. But I'm actually enjoying using my back-up machine and hope that you will have fun with the Viking! And I'm sure Big Bernie will be better soon and the Whisper will be a song!



          Thanks ! Just had to vent ! Such a frustration ! Glad I have other machines !


            Marilyn I really feel for you, it's so frustrating. Hope he's better soon and skipping through those stitches.

            Looking good Nancy

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              Nancy all of your stitching looks great. Your French knots look perfect to me. It's looking really great.

              Marilyn, so sorry that Big Bernie is on strike I hope you get her fixed quickly.
              It reminds me of the old joke - what do you do when your nose goes on strike? Pick it! :lol:


                Thanks for the smile, Rita ! :lol: This machine has been a real experience( in lieu of other words) from the very beginning !
                I would have kicked it to the curb if it weren't so expensive ! Thing is, :shock: the repair bills are mounting and I might
                be getting to the tipping point ! :evil:


                  Sorry to hear that! I've heard such good things about the 800 series. I hope they get it all worked out and she stays healthy for a long time!



                    I think that's part of the problem with these very expensive machines. All the parts are expensive to replace and fix. I really hope they get it fixed for you Marilyn.


                      Nancy...I don't think all 800 series machines are such a problem ! But this one has been loaded with issues
                      from the day I brought it home ! I had the misfortune to have a truly rotten out of business !,
                      thank heavens !.... But, I really believe this machine was a lemon from the factory ! Too late now ! Current
                      dealer/repairman has done a good job trying to correct just a hundred miles both ways to take
                      care of things ! RRRRG :evil:


                        Originally posted by idaho
                        Nancy...I don't think all 800 series machines are such a problem ! But this one has been loaded with issues
                        from the day I brought it home ! I had the misfortune to have a truly rotten out of business !,
                        thank heavens !.... But, I really believe this machine was a lemon from the factory ! Too late now ! Current
                        dealer/repairman has done a good job trying to correct just a hundred miles both ways to take
                        care of things ! RRRRG :evil:
                        Have you thought of relating the entire history directly to customer service at Bernina. What kind of warranty is there on the machine?


                          Well Marilyn, I was going to tease about all those UFO's you have gotten done being the reason Bernie is tired but I do know the frustration you are feeling so I will be good.


                            Well, Lois seems to me that if you don't have that dealer as an intermediator( ops: sp) You don't get too far.
                            My first communication got no reply and my second got a " sorry , please see you dealer" etc.... finally
                            after original dealer closed, current one accepted my request and is honoring the parts warranty, etc.
                            Current service is adequate....I just don't think I get the attention from management as I might if I was
                            nearer and could work up a good relationship! They certainly don't need my business...and I live too far away
                            to impact them. :? So..I vent and will try to get it serviced once again ! :evil: Thanks for listening ! ops:


                              I'm so sorry to hear about your problems with your 830.
                              I'm glad that so many others love their machines because in the coming week I think I'm going to take the big step. I got a very good offer on a 830 and Thursday will show if it's mine.

                              I really hope all your issues will be solved now.

                              living in Central Denmark
                              Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                                Originally posted by idaho
                                Well, Lois seems to me that if you don't have that dealer as an intermediator( ops: sp) You don't get too far.
                                My first communication got no reply and my second got a " sorry , please see you dealer" etc.... finally
                                after original dealer closed, current one accepted my request and is honoring the parts warranty, etc.
                                Current service is adequate....I just don't think I get the attention from management as I might if I was
                                nearer and could work up a good relationship! They certainly don't need my business...and I live too far away
                                to impact them. :? So..I vent and will try to get it serviced once again ! :evil: Thanks for listening ! ops:
                                Marilyn, I don't like it that you have had so much trouble with your 830 and that you have had difficulty reaching the attention of Bernina's Customer Service at a higher level than your local dealer. That's particularly disturbing since that dealer went out of business. It's not right! When I had trouble with some King Tut Superior Thread being wound incorrectly on the spool and consequent thread breakage, I heard from Bob Purcell personally and he rectified the situation in more than a satisfactory way. I wonder if there isn't some other way to get their attention. I am thinking of trying another contact a person, like the woman who is head of the Education division here in the USA. She has been a guest on TQS and demonstrated using decorative stitches and other features of the Bernina's to make lovely clothes for children. I will try to find the Episode #. I think she played an important part in the development of the 830. I would think she'd be appalled that another division of the company wasn't working hard to uphold the reputation of the company and the machines they make. I wonder if we can't find her email address. I think Bernina needs to see that you are a satisfied customer particularly since the problem is being discussed on an international forum where many of their valued customers participate. It is hard for me to imagine that every owner, or likely future owner, of an 830, or any of Berninas' wonderful machines, wouldn't feel a whole lot more comfortable about the purchases they've made/are likely to make knowing you are a satisfied and well cared for customer. I for one dream of owning one of their machines one day. That dream will come true only if I can be certain that their customer service is as good as the machines they manufacture.


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