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Help! I need motivation ! Any hints?

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    Help! I need motivation ! Any hints?

    After making a few quilts, I seem to have "Quilters block"
    I have projects I can work on, and I certainly have the fabric and
    my Bernina and, and, and....I get in the room and I get stuck..
    Any advice?? Let me know.

    Hi Kate I know the feeling, there is nothing like the way of inspiration when you start a new project that you are exciting about. I look at the quilt gallery and magazines, and there are tons I want to tackle. Then I challenge myself to finish one project and then give myself permission to start a new project while I am finishing a UFO I keep the photo or pattern out where I can see it, okay so sometimes I can't wait maybe it is something in your room do you need to reorganize or brighten it up. Good Luck Joan


      Hi Kate -

      I never hesitate to start a new project when the current ones aren't calling my name. That is, unless I'm making a quilt for someone else for a special occasion. So, I have a million UFOs, but I also find that I do go back to them later and make progress and can get really excited about them later. I'm in that mode right now where several of those older projects are calling me back, but I have a quilt that has a time deadline so that has to come first right now.

      For quilts that I have to finish, but I've lost my excitement, I give myself little goals to get excited about. I make sure to note the accomplishment of each finished block and each finished section of quilting. I plan my quilting to get all of the stabilizing quilting finished and get the outer borders quilted so that I can put the binding on as quickly as possible. I've found that I get really depressed at the end of making a quilt when I realize how long the whipstitching of the back of the binding takes me (and that's the only finish I've found that I like on the back), so I try to get that over with as early as the quilt will allow. These little things seem to work for me to get my enthusiasm back.



        Clean and reorganize your sewing room. That works for me. I start finding things I forgot I had. Watch a TQS show. Or just take a break for awhile... No rules against that.


          There are all sorts of reasons one could have "Quilters Block". One thing that effects me that way is when I have so many projects I would like to work on - be they ufo's or new ideas - that I can become paralyzed and not know where to start or what to work on. Then I turn my back and work on nothing!

          To combat that, I have learned that it really doesn't matter what I work on - as long as I work on something! It helps me to set a goal -perhaps it's just to work on something for 15 min or it could be to just put on those borders that have been waiting forever or it might be to pull fabrics for a new quilt. It doesn't matter if I finish something in that block of time - just that I get my hands busy!

          And often, I find that I have spent more than that 15 minutes in my sewing room!!

          Another thing that helps me, is I do keep lists of what projects I am working on, what the next step is for each, etc. I know many quilters don't do this because these lists can get quite long and overwhelming. But with my mini goals, I can pick something off the list that can be at least started in that 15 min block, and make a bit of progress on it. I don't have to figure out what to do each time I walk into the studio - I can just look at the list and pick something and go!

          I also like to keep my projects and all the parts of it (pattern, fabrics, partially done pieces, etc) together. I keep a note on them too, so I know my thoughts from way back LOL. I will use plastic bins, or plastic ziplock bags, or shoeboxes even. Label the outside, and then when it's time to choose, it's easy to find the right box, and everything I need is right there! Really helps me!

          At my guild, we have a monthly Sew In. We meet at our regular meeting place and sew from 8:30 - 5pm (or whatever time you can spend). I have found this once a month sewing day to be very productive! I keep a project packed and set aside just for this day. I pack it up with my supplies the night before and head out bright and early. Using this all day once a month strategy, I have finished 3 quilt tops in the last year! I don't have to wonder what shall I work on? I just work on that one, once a month til it's done! Perhaps this idea can be incorporated into your guild activities, or how about an all day sew in at your studio with one other friend once a month? You'd be amazed at how much you can get done!

          Good luck! HTH!!


            TO Joan,Nancy, Barbara, and Michelle,,
            I knew my TQS gals would come thru.. THe organization of it all sounds great and then to clean up the room..that in itself should have been obvious to me, but you know how that goes! To put 15 minutes aside is great. I have tried that before and that works well for me..Just to be creative for that short amount of time, helps the soul. TO get someone that can sew with me is not possible, so I will try and make the monthly Bernina classes that are offered. THere is ALWAYS TQS shows, and it does help to wtch those, Barbara..The listing of projects is great too. and keeping each one in its own box..Thank you all..I'll let you know how it is going..Kate(kthequeelter)


              Hi Michelle,
              I'd love to see how you do your lists. I've got loads of stuff to do but can't find most of it :roll:

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                Hi Eileen,

                I am not very sophisticated with my lists. I used to keep them handwritten in a notebook but a few years ago did get them into my PC. I tried using an Excel spreadsheet, which I did use for a while. But then I got a new laptop and don't have Excel on it. But I do know other quilters do use a spreadsheet style log.

                So, now I just use a regular document, like Microsoft Word, and keep a simple list. I have a folder on my PC called UFO Tracking and I actually have 4 lists in it.

                1) 2011 Current Projects
                In Current Projects, I list the quilt name, and each step needed to get it done. As I finish each step, I put a DONE in front of that line item.
                If a project doesn't get finished in that year, it gets moved over to the UFO To Do List. I add comments as needed to each quilt to help me remember what to do next or other important info.

                2) UFO's To Do List
                This folder has all my old ufo's listed in it and what needs to be done next for each, along with the date started.

                3) Ready to Quilt
                Ready to Quilt lists all my finished quilt that are "marinating" and waiting their turn on the LA. I list the name, what backing, what batting and the year(s) it took to make it. I also list at the bottom of that list, all the quilts I did complete in that year and who it was given to (if applicable).

                4) Quilts I want to make
                This one lists the pattern name, author, book or mag or if it's a pattern on my hard drive. Sometimes it includes the color scheme too.

                As I said, not very fancy, but it does the job. I am sure it can be improved upon.


                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  I'd need another of Margo's challenges to motivate me to clean up my sewing room! I have no problem with quilters block, just which of the many ones I want to work on because I can't do them all at once. I do find it hard at times to figure out how I want to quilt one. Sometimes I have to look at it a long time then get some inspiration. Other times I have to just do it because it has to get done! Fi


                    Thanks, Michelle. Have a great evening!

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      Originally posted by fiquilts
                      I'd need another of Margo's challenges to motivate me to clean up my sewing room! I have no problem with quilters block, just which of the many ones I want to work on because I can't do them all at once. I do find it hard at times to figure out how I want to quilt one. Sometimes I have to look at it a long time then get some inspiration. Other times I have to just do it because it has to get done! Fi
                      OK,'s this? I challenge you to complete one UFO (not a new project!!) and report back here with a photo next Sunday, October 1st. Dare ya! :wink:
                      That might help you clean a spot!

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Margo, If we weren't just getting back from our daughter's wedding, which was in the Sacramento area yesterday, and leaving on a trip to the Oregon coast in a week, I'd take you up on that challenge. I have finished several things, but took a time out to make a decorative trapunto pillow for the newlyweds which took quite a bit of time. I don't have UFO's...I call them WIP's! If I just get the leftovers from making the pillow off my cutting board it would help a lot. I'm sure I'll come home with more fabric after visiting the quilt shop in Bandon during the week we're there. Fi


                          Originally posted by fiquilts
                          Margo, If we weren't just getting back from our daughter's wedding, which was in the Sacramento area yesterday, and leaving on a trip to the Oregon coast in a week, I'd take you up on that challenge. I have finished several things, but took a time out to make a decorative trapunto pillow for the newlyweds which took quite a bit of time. I don't have UFO's...I call them WIP's! If I just get the leftovers from making the pillow off my cutting board it would help a lot. I'm sure I'll come home with more fabric after visiting the quilt shop in Bandon during the week we're there. Fi
                          Good excuse Fi! Let me know when you are ready for a challenge! :lol:
                          In the meantime, have a fun, safe trip!

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Margo, I plan to take my small machine with me. Who knows what I'll get done. Fi


                              I have the opposite problem--too many quilt patterns and techniques that I want to try. My suggestions to you are to:

                              1. participate in an online quilt along, such as the Dead Simple Quilt Along or the Hex Along, both at
                              2. join or initiate a Baker's Dozen or other type of block exchange group
                              3. search types of quilts that you like (e.g. modern, antique, medallion, two-color, etc.)
                              4. go to a local quilt show


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