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finishing order

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    finishing order

    My quilting on the 2 graduation quilts is coming along, but the deadline is fast approaching, and I have a question. (It might help to look at these quilts, on my profile under Show & Tell so this'll make sense.) I've quilted all of the solid bands ~1/4" from the seams (not in the ditch), have put some decorative quilting along each of the straight pieced sections and stitched in the ditch around some of the center circles (both quilts), so now, the only places that are left are the pieced triangular sections and maybe some more in the circle areas. I'm planning some wine-glass variations in the triangles. BUT, I've got some time in the next few days when I could make some real progress on the binding. Can I put it on now, and then still add quilting, without some kind of distortion or anything? I feel like it's all pretty well held together, and obviously the edges are held in place from the solid band quilting.
    In other words, can I bind the quilt and then go back & add quilting?
    all advice welcomed!

    It's possible that adding the binding at this point is an option, however I could give consideration to how the quilts are laying at this point. If they're laying flat, really flat and the layers aren't shifting (how did you baste??) then adding the binding would be ok. If the quilt isn't laying flat then I would wait to add the binding 'til later.


    Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


      I have done a few quilts where I did basic stabilizing quilting like in the ditch and couldn't decide what else to do so I put the binding on and thought about it. It wasn't a problem at all. Nancy

      Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


        Thanks, I think I'll do this. They're remarkably flat--I used Sharon Schamber's basting method, which was like a DREAM. I came in to my office where I could push a bunch of tables together, was easily able to center my pieced backing with the top, and got each done in about 5 hours. I'm sure that sounds like a long time, but 10 hours in a chair is worlds better than 10 hours on my knees! Plus, I did one over 2 days, and was able to pick it up & move it with no problem, and everything was still together when I started again.
        Anyone interested in 1000+ pins?? :roll:
        Thanks again, Florence

        Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


          Florence, I often add more quilting after the binding is finished.

          Pst..... whispering.... the quilt police doesn't know where I live!

          From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


            It sounds like you have the layers stablized with enough quilting that you shouldn't have a problem. The quilt police don't know where I live either because I have put binding on before the quilting is finished and didn't have a problem with it.


              oh...I didn't know you could do that. Maybe there is hope for my earlier quilts! Sandi in FL


                Florence - I just hope those lucky boys know what a labor of love those 2 quilts are. They are gorgeous and clearly, you've spent a ton of time on each one. They should be heirlooms that they'll treasure forever.

                What lucky sons they are! You'll have a job coming up with something for the younger child to out do those 2 quilts. Ha Ha! Start planning now!

                Nancy in sunny western NY


                  Nancy you're right! I'd better start thinking on that one now!

                  Update: I have the bindings sewn from the front on both, and (thanks again to Sharon Schamber) one is glued to the back, ready to bind, I'll glue the next one tonight. This way, they really LOOK like they're done, so I can breathe a bit easier, although I am still aiming to have the binding stitched.
                  Not to mention I have to have my sewing room turned back in to my guest room by graduation as well, so my MIL can sleep... :roll:


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