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    Amen to the show suggestion. I've been getting more and more fired up about this and it seems like I'm not the only one. Gloria


      I'm not trying to put myself forward as an expert of step on anyone's toes, so if people would rather have Justin lead a group or wait for a show I can understand.

      I dye in my home in less than ideal conditions, so I am not going to have the experience that dyeing thousands of yards of cloth is going to give.

      My only thought was that since no one was posting here and I really, really love dyeing, that I'd post what I know.


        Theresa -- I really appreciate your expertise with dying fabric. Keep it coming. You mentioned -- I think it was you -- that also uses Ziploc bags. What size? The extra large?

        I also agree that TQS should dedicate an entire show or at least snippets - like Alex does -- on dying fabric. I am a visual learner and it would help a lot.

        Thanks Sharon in Colorado


          Teresa, I am really enjoying following this discussion....I have lots of questions re: dyeing and you've answered a lot of them! Not sure I'll ever actually do it myself, but one never knows....Thanks for taking the time to explain the basics! Nancy


            Teresa, thank you for putting your time and experience into prodding us procrastinators into getting our dying equipment together and giving it a go (or another go in my case).
            I was hoping the "pros" might have some tips for us amateurs. They do so much of it, they probably have tips and tricks that we could benefit from.
            Someday, I WILL make a quilt with my hand-dyes in it! I swear! :lol:

            Jean in Windsor, ON


              Teresa, if you are willing to put the time in, we are willing to learn.


                Teresa, please keep posting. Even if I don't think I want to do this myself at the present time, I may, and I like to have the information!

                Maggie in E. Central Illinois


                  My son will be heading back to Portland tomorrow and I hope I'll have a surprise to post tomorrow evening, but in the meantime I thought you might enjoy taking a look at someone who does some really interesting stuff with her dyeing.


                  This is a good example of why you might want to be able to reproduce colors.


                    Teresa - your link did not work for me??



                      Sorry about that! I've fixed it now.


                        Please keep posting. You have really inspired me. I am visual so maybe you could do something like Margo does.


                          Okay so in deference to those of you who are visual learners I'm doing a series of videos on dyeing. Here's the first one.


                          I don't have a fancy camera. so please forgive the quality.

                          Let me know if it works for people and what you think.


                            I find this whole subject fascinating..has anyone tried dyeing with vegetable onion skins etc or nettles which you can get for free?
                            I also like visuals so off to check the video..thanks for taking the time to share these ideas


                              Great video, Teresa! For those of us in smaller homes where space is an issue, how do you store all your things? I am imagining using a large plastic tote.

                              Maggie in e. Central Illinois


                                Fabulous Teresa! Looks like the tools of the trade are readily available and I think I have just about everything already. Just need the gas mask. Where do I go for that? The local Army Surplus store? He He


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