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How Many Projects at One Time?

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    How Many Projects at One Time?

    ack! I am agonizing over this. Am in the middle of a tapestry and need to step away from it to get some perspective on my next move....the danger in free-motion embroidery is that it is such a zen thing and so addictive that I frequently over-stitch an area before I know it. Then it's time for the seam-ripper...but trying not to disturb the colors underneath. crap.

    Anyway - I want to start another project just to keep moving and to do something totally different. But am so afraid of having the first one turn into a UFO!

    How many art quilts/projects do you all work on at once? one? two or more?

    Too many to count!! I really would like to turn some of my UFOs into completed quilts, but sometimes setting a quilt aside for a while gives me much better perspective on it, or I learn a new skill that will make a big difference. I've decided not to beat myself up over it -- quilting is to be enjoyable, fun, soothing ... and if I'm not happy with a piece or don't feel like working on it, well, I have plenty of others I can work on. If I can get to the professional quilter stage, then I might have deadlines and have to complete something on a schedule, but until then, I work on what pleases me at that time. Good luck!


      I make sure to always have at least two going at once. Three is best, because that gives me more freedom to step away from them. More than that is usually too many for me and they begin to pile up into UFOs. They seem to me to be kind of like wine or cheese...sometimes they just have to have time to mature to the next step before they "speak" to me again. Sometimes, I've had them wait for a year or more, and then I eventually finish them, or realize I'm never going to finish them and figure they were there to teach. I have one that has been sitting around for about three years, but I don't consider it a UFO. It's just not ready to move forward, and I like what I've done on it too much to not ever finish it. It's just I can't figure how to do the rest yet. It's a wall art quilt with a city scape at sunset. My mind's eye can finish the top half of the quilt, but not the bottom half yet. So anyway, I think the answer is whatever works for the individual quilter...for me the ideal is 3. Cheers, BJ

      "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


        Right now, I have two tops ready for quilting and I'm quilting one of them. I have one top ready to be basted. I'm working on a BOM and have a new project partially cut out. I have lots of WIPs; but, I'm not counting those! Like Betty Jo, I used to like to have three projects going. . .one piecing, one quilting and one handwork so I could work on the one that called to me the most. Since the car accident, I've just been trying to finish projects.


          Ah - you all make me feel much better about starting another project. excellent! I feel like I've just been given permission to play even more. Usually whatever I work on has to have a definite destination - doing a mural or panel for a client is easy for me to stick with no matter what because there is usually a deadline and a place for it to go. But if I am doing work for myself (which I find difficult to do) or as something to add to the portfolio, then I almost feel guilty if I start yet another thing. It's weird, I know.

          But I think that if I take some time away from this thing I am working on and start something that has a completely different technique and style it may be a good thing. Thanks for your responses! They are all interesting and fun to read.


            Hey Cleta!
            I'm enjoying your posts on the forum, and would love to see some pictures of your quilts. Please let us know when you get some posted on your TQS profile!!

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Sometimes a great idea can't wait. Sometimes I have mentally moved on before a quilt is finished and I have to leave it for a while. Sometimes I'm just stuck for what to do next, so I let it "ripen" for a while. Sometimes it's just not happening, and it may never be completed. I do what makes me happy. So should you!


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