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Who is your favorite fabric artist/art quilter?

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    I would LOVE to take a class with Ruth McDowell. Her style is so unique.
    Geez, my list is getting longer and longer. I'm heading to NYC today to go to the only 2 quilt shops in Manhattan. I'll let you know what I find 8)

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      There are 2 shops in Manhattan-The City Quilter and Purl Patchwork. CQ was bright, open and filled with enthusiastic personnel eager to help and just talk about quilting. One of my friends bought some great NYC landmark fabric-she's working on a Karen Eckmeier piece.
      PP is tiny. I'm talking less than 12 feet wide. Their inventory was more contemporary-they're located in Greenwich Village after all. We didn't get anything there. They are a branch of Purl, which is a knitting shop a few doors away. This shop is larger, and ooooh the wool!!! I want to learn how to knit-why not add something else to the mix ops: :lol: ops: ?
      I'd like some socks made from some of these wools-they're so soft and the colors are to die for.
      So...if you're coming to NY any time soon, check out these 2 gems.

      Come on folks-let's talk about more of our favorite art quilters!!!

      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        Carol Bryer Fallert has always been one of my favorite artist. Her work has such sweeping curves and the colors. OH! THE COLORS. She is such a sweet person and great teacher. Her work is unmistakeablely her own style. Her works makes me happy when I view it.

        Isn't it great that we have so many artist to inspire us :lol:

        Betty Ann Seeman in Fl

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          Another one I forgot -- Michael James.

          It took me quite awhile to get the images to load in his portfolio, but was worth the wait. I'm on dial-up -- since most people here have high speed connections, it probably won't take so long.

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            Okay, quiltnart, Eileen and all....I finally uploaded a picture of the collage quilt that I started in Rosemary Eichorn's class. It was great fun cutting out motif's and fabrics, arranging them in whatever way struck me. It has been a stretch to create without a "pattern", but also extremely liberating and satisfying at the same time. The other challenge was to know when to stop :? I had so much fun embellishing with threads, beads and yarn. If you ever get the chance to take a class from Rosemary, do so; she's a great teacher.
            Jan in beautiful fall weather Spokane.
            You'll have to see the images in my profile until I figure out how to insert it here. ops:

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              Very, very nice Jan.

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                Oh yeah, that's one gorgeous quilt!
                I hope you enter it in some shows, I'll put money on it being an award winner.

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Sorry for the brief post before, but I had to get offline and go take care of the cat. But I did want to come back and take a better look. I did click to enlarge it and my -- all the detail work. What looks like cording maybe with some beads on it (on the left side of the photo) looks very interesting. I've got to go or I'll spend the whole afternoon asking about specifics and how you did it. I'm on a deadline right now, so that probably isn't a good idea. But great work -- keep it up.

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    Thank you both for your kind comments. It really is intimidating to put something like this 'out there' for exposure. As for entering in shows, it would have to be a very specific venue with liberal 'rules' :wink: because this doesn't have a 'proper' binding, etc. Will see. My aim would be to encourage others to give the process a try and this venue should serve just as well.
                    quiltnart, the interesting addition in the bottom left hand corner of the picutre is done by 'working' some bits of yarn and fabric on Sulky Solvy (in a hoop), free motion stitching over it to make it a unit, then wetting to disolve the Solvy. I added some beads after attaching it to the piece.
                    My friend, Linda Anderson (art quilter) taught me this technique. It's a signature of hers. She doesn't have a website (YET - I'm encouraging her), and she has dial-up service because she is rural, so doesn't have easy access to this. You can see some of her earlier works on Rosemary Eichorns site Enter, then go to Student Gallery...halfway down....says Linda Anderson, Salinas, CA. (now Spokane - yeah). Click on one of her images to enlarge for closeup.
                    It's wonderful to have friends to learn techniques from! Share what interests you - pay it forward.

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      Jan, Congratulations on "I Dreamed I Was A Flower".....I love it. I know you had a great time with it. I love exploring doing my own's a whole new world.

                      Dana in Olive Branch, MS

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        Just found this on the forum and am loving going to all the sites mentioned. Taking a QU class with Marilyn Belford and must add her to your list. Her quilt portraits are amazing and she is a great teacher. Check out the work of her students.


                          Oh, I love Marilyn too! Her portraits are just stunning.


                            There is an amazing quilt artist here at TQS that I found while checking out the gallery. Her screen name is Clara8 and she has done the most stunning horse portraits. I have never seen anything like the work that she has done. She is definitely my favorite quilt artist to watch for in the gallery.


                              Anyone else have a favorite to add?


                                To me, Caryl Fallert is the goddess of the quilt world. Her quilts knock my socks off.

                                Pat in Rockport, TX


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