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Vermont Quilt Festival 2013

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    Vermont Quilt Festival 2013

    Hi to everyone participating in the forum (my quilting "buddies" )

    I was wondering if any of you is attending the Vermont Quilt Festival, where Sue Nickels is giving a class on Appliqué?

    I'm registered, which one of you will I meet there in person?

    (can't wait... for the class, and meeting you!)


    Would love to have met you there, Andree, unfortunately I'll be flying home again on June 20th. Managed to go to VQF a few years ago, it's a fabulous show and I hope I can schedule the next summer visit to my parents a bit better! They live only about an hour from Burlington. I'm hoping I can go visit the shelbourne quilt museum when I'm there tis summer - but leaving all definite planning till I'm there, as everything will depend on my dad's health and the plan is to spend time with my parents.


      Andree, how I wish, but maybe in 2014. I've already committed to Sister's Quilt Show in mid-July with son and DIL. I google-mapped the Vermont show, it's about a 9 hour drive from Upper Marlboro, Maryland if all went well. Of course, Sue's, Laura W's and Melinda Bula's classes are all booked. Seems like we need an "in" to get classes or book them the day the registry opens.


        Originally posted by suehenyon
        Andree, how I wish, but maybe in 2014. I've already committed to Sister's Quilt Show in mid-July with son and DIL. I google-mapped the Vermont show, it's about a 9 hour drive from Upper Marlboro, Maryland if all went well. Of course, Sue's, Laura W's and Melinda Bula's classes are all booked. Seems like we need an "in" to get classes or book them the day the registry opens.
        I was on it at 6am this morning! I got a spot, just barely!
        (i actually was trying last night at midnight, but there was a glitch on their system).

        Maybe we'll meet next year?


          Originally posted by AndreeBergeron
          Maybe we'll meet next year?
          just help me remember!


            Originally posted by lotti
            Would love to have met you there, Andree, unfortunately I'll be flying home again on June 20th. Managed to go to VQF a few years ago, it's a fabulous show and I hope I can schedule the next summer visit to my parents a bit better! They live only about an hour from Burlington. I'm hoping I can go visit the shelbourne quilt museum when I'm there tis summer - but leaving all definite planning till I'm there, as everything will depend on my dad's health and the plan is to spend time with my parents.
            I hope you have a nice time, and that your dad gets well.
            It will be my first time at this show (and attending a class from a "major league" quilter), looking forward to it. A few of my quilting friends from the area have submitted a quilt and waiting for a response.
            And it will be a nice "ME" time...



              Originally posted by suehenyon
              Originally posted by AndreeBergeron
              Maybe we'll meet next year?
              just help me remember!
              Will do Next year...



                Andree, I will be taking Sue's appliqué class at the North Carolina Quilt Symposium in May. I'll give you a full report afterwards! BTW, there MAY still be room in her classes here.

                Vermont in June sounds lovely. 2014, maybe?

                from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                  Originally posted by gynconnie
                  Andree, I will be taking Sue's appliqué class at the North Carolina Quilt Symposium in May. I'll give you a full report afterwards! BTW, there MAY still be room in her classes here.

                  Vermont in June sounds lovely. 2014, maybe?
                  I'd love to visit North Carolina... but it's around 18 hours drive (depending where) from Laval (just North of Montreal).

                  I'll wait for your full report! Let me know about the supply list versus what you used and wish you had on hand!



                    Originally posted by gynconnie
                    I will be taking Sue's appliqué class at the North Carolina Quilt Symposium in May. BTW, there MAY still be room in her classes here.
                    Wow, Connie, that looks like appliquer's heaven, especially if one is interested in hand applique. If you get a chance, check out MaryLou McDonald's work. It's incredible.

                    Are you staying on campus?


                      Originally posted by suehenyon
                      Originally posted by gynconnie
                      I will be taking Sue's appliqué class at the North Carolina Quilt Symposium in May. BTW, there MAY still be room in her classes here.
                      Wow, Connie, that looks like appliquer's heaven, especially if one is interested in hand applique. If you get a chance, check out MaryLou McDonald's work. It's incredible.

                      Are you staying on campus?
                      Yes! This is the first time I've been to Symposium, and I'm very excited. Retirement has opened up all sorts of new opportunities!

                      from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                        I'm hoping to get into her quilting class, but I want to make sure my quilt gets into the show first (there's apparently a two week gap between the dates).


                          I'll probably be going, but not sure yet if I will sign up for any classes. Want to check out the vendors , and of course the quilts. Several from out guild have quilt in the show. We have a hard time getting 505 here, and the batting is cheaper in the USA. Also, I'm already going to two retreats this month, and then we have two guild shows - one in April and the other first weekend of May, so don't want to take on too much. I still have to put the binding on one of my quilts for the shows. hmmm. already sounds like too much.

                          Andree, somehow we could meet up - we are both Quebecoise! Email me if you like...


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