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2009 Block of Month

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    Sue, TQS is the best, and so are you to share your talent with us!

    Maggie in E. Central Illinois


      Holy cow, Sue. It's sort of like "ask and you shall receive". I tried paper piecing a while ago and didn't cut the fabric big enough so ended up with no seam allowance. Kind of discouraging. I do have faith in your directions and Margo's tutorials and all the support from everyone here. LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN :lol:


        Thanks Sue, I will be watching for that video. I have another question. I can't quilt a large quilt on my home sewing machine, so I do the divide and conquer method or the Betty Cotton Theory - - On the 2008 block of the month I am going to do the Betty Cotton Theory.

        Can the 2009 block of the month be quilted using either of these techniques?

        Thanks again, Jimmie (Mimi)


          :roll: okay, this is my first bom, not a newbie, but, does Sue give the directions for cutting the whole quilt in the beginning. :?: I just recieved my package of the quilt Friday, and felt it alllllll weekend long just waiting to get started. :roll: Boy can I hardly wait, can't wait, did I say I was anxious. Debbie
          Living Threads


            It will all be revealed on Jan. 1 and the first of each month after. Sorry but you have to wait a little longer.

            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


              Gosh, you all are so friendly and helpful. I couldn't believe all the messages that were posted. I have made quilts before, but never paper pieced. I guess I don't know what all the new BOM entails. I always sewed clothes until my girls were grown, and now I am retiring in August so thought it might be good to learn some more techniques. I am not experience enough to know what all the new BOM entails. I am also confused by all the messages about fabric. How do you know how much to buy and how many different fabrics. You all have encouraged me so much. It's helpful to know that if I do the new BOM there is help out there if I can't figure something out. I am still mulling it around, but thought about just getting the fabric kit offered. Let me know how you guys know how many fabrics you need and how much of each fabric. Thanks again for all the messages, you are all very friendly.


                I'm gonna give the 2009 BOM a shot. I'm not ging to buy any fabric (yet). Just gonna start with what I have in my itty stash and see how it goes from there. It looks fun and a bit challenging!
                Oh...did I say a bit? Maybe kind of alot!
                Sherry in S MS


                  Barbara, you will find the fabrics listed on the Forum. Scroll down to BLOCK OF THE MONTH, and look for the thread titled:
                  BOM fabric requirements 2009
                  Or click here:

                  There is lots of info on that thread that you might find helpful!

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    I recently took on a huge paper pieced quilt project through an LQS and in doing so, I KNEW I was probably biting off more than I could chew. There are moments when I struggle, but I'm learning so much and am already over the moon with my results. This experience is precisely why I'm jumping in to the 2009 BOM project. I say give it a try! Think of all the great new skills you'll learn while you're working on it.

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      Gee - what a lot of questions... let me see if I can answer a couple of them.
                      Are you going to get all of the cutting instructions in the first month? Nope! You will get a list of all of the required fabric (which has already been posted elsewhere on this list), along with the fabric to be cut to complete the January block. The first block is the center feathered star. It is not a hard one - but you DO have to pay attention, stitch ON the lines, and follow the instructions for laying out the sub-units. It takes several hours to make the block because there are so many pieces in it -- but you can get it done in good time. I mean... you have a whole MONTH, right?!!

                      If, at any time, any of you ever have questions about technique, tools, or whatever, I'm only an email away -- and my sister Margo is always eager to share and teach (well - at least we feel like we're almost sisters...).

                      You just have to love the world of TQS -- it opens up whole new worlds for all of us!


                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Thanks, Sue, for all the help that you give us. Have a Merry Christmas!

                        Maggie Szafranski

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Here's my color way for the 2009 BOM. What are the rest of you using?


                            Wow, that's beautiful! I wish I were even close to being that prepared! I know I'm going to be using tones/shades of burgundy, gold, tan, and deep green with touches of blue, and I'm sure many other colors will play a part since mine is going to have to be VERY scrappy! So far, though, all I have I actually bought is a batik neutral tan for the background, and a floral focus fabric. Hopefully the stash will play nicely with those. QuilterLynn....yours is wonderful!


                              I'm in! After only completing January and February last year (I have found that hand applique just isn't my thing) I thought twice before making the commitment to the 2009 BOM.... but I am really excited and jumping in with both feet!

                              All I pulled out so far is a dark/dark blue batik background - and I have only 4 yards of it, so I will have to be creative right out of the gate. I am also only going to pull from my stash this year - I have found that this forces creativity on my part.

                              I really like paper piecing (the Bella that is STILL in work, was a paper pieced pattern and I liked the simplicity of sewing "on the lines").

                              I am looking forward to January 1!!!!


                                OK, Lynn....please tell us how you got that BIG picture on the forum!!! (Your fabrics are great....all piled up around the HQ!)

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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