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November BOM

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    Nan, great block! It is getting exciting being this close to the end!

    Maggie in E. Central Illlinois, finally home from quilt expo. What a great time!


      Yes it is! But I've been too efficient in my photo storage! I erased some of my individual block photos when I sewed them together and can't get a new picture taken and moved to the files because I can't find my camera storage card! So, I could only post 'most' of them! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


        I just posted my November block on "Show & Tell," along with my other finished blocks. It was really nice of TQS to add this feature! I've enjoyed seeing everyone else's blocks, so decided to display mine, as well.


          Hi everybody. I am baaaack, but……………..I am :? :? confused and lost.!!!!!!
          I was very sick and after woods very busy and now I was so pride to show you my September and October block…….. There are so many forums about the block of the month quilt, that I just do not know where to go. I hoop someone find me and bring me back on track.
          There is also a new bag!!!!!!
          November block is almost ready, just a couple day’s
          Lots of love from Belgium


            Originally posted by Duffy
            Hi everybody. I am baaaack, but……………..I am :? :? confused and lost.!!!!!!
            I was very sick and after woods very busy and now I was so pride to show you my September and October block…….. There are so many forums about the block of the month quilt, that I just do not know where to go. I hoop someone find me and bring me back on track.
            There is also a new bag!!!!!!
            November block is almost ready, just a couple day’s
            Lots of love from Belgium
            Hi Duffy! Welcome back!! Your blocks are BEAUTIFUL and I've added them to my Webshots album! You can post your pictures anywhere...we will find them...but now there is a special new place on TQS to put your BOM pictures! Click on SHOW & TELL (on the purple bar) then click on SHOW BOMS ONLY (in red at the top right of the page). If you upload your pictures there they can be sorted by maker, or by month or all together. Fun, huh? Just post a note somewhere on the forum so we will know to look at your profile, because they will be there, too!
            SEW LONG!


            PS...LOVE THE NEW BAG!

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Duffy! So glad to see that you are back...I look forward to your posts and seeing your lovely bags! The new one is favorite to date!
              I love the color choices of your BOM's it's going to be a beautiful quilt !!
              Hope your are feeling better that ever.

              Debbie S.
              SW~Washington State

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Duffy I just love your bags and think about your machine cover you made as I continue to look for fabrics on the one I want to make.


                  Thanks Margo, I knew I did miss something. What a great Idea.
                  Now we can look at aal the blocks at ones.What would we be without you.
                  Lots of love from a snowy Belgium


                    Originally posted by Duffy
                    Thanks Margo, I knew I did miss something. What a great Idea.
                    Now we can look at aal the blocks at ones.What would we be without you.
                    Lots of love from a snowy Belgium
                    Love you too, Duffy! But please keep your snow in Belgium!!
                    Margo in record breaking cold temps in SE Tennessee

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      I posted my November block in the Show and Tell area.
                      Happy Quilting,

                      Shiner TX


                        WHOO-HOO!! Wanda is an official Bomette!! Good job, Wanda! Looking forward to seeing more!

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Wanda, great block! And done before the end of the month, to boot!
                          Maggie in E. Central Illinois, looking at snow and thinking this is a good day to sew!

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Welcome aboard Wanda...good on you! You proved that it is never too late to start while we have all the directions available to us! We are so glad that you joined us, you are a "Bomette" for sure! I also enjoyed seeing all of your show and tell photos!! Thanks for sharing and I'm looking forward to seeing all of your other blocks too! We will be here to cheer you on!
                            Debbie S.

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Hi, remember me?? HA! I've been AWOL, but have been busy quilting too! Finished October block in mid-November and STILL managed to finish November on time! This is SO not me! (actually, finished it twice. I wasn't happy with the pink ribbon--too much pink with the flowers--so I unsewed and re-did it in green.)Anyway, it's on my profile AND I got them all up on Show & Tell.

                              DH made a wonderful discovery right before Thanksgiving, he FOUND a CD he'd made of all my old photos before he switched out my computer, but the danged little CD had been missing for several YEARS and I thought it was gone for good. Not only fun pics of my little boys (the twins at the age George is now) but ALL my early quilts! So I've been busy updating all my profile pics.

                              Also making progress on the TWO graduation quilts, as well as trying to find colleges for them to take the quilts to!!
                              Hugs, Florence

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                Good job, Florence!!

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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