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Sewing a Circle within A Circle

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    Sewing a Circle within A Circle

    I'm working on the Feb block. I'm to the point where I need to sew the inner circle to the outer circle. Which circle do I clip first. The inner circle or the outer circle before I sew them together. I've never done this before so am a bite confused


    Check out the topic. ,Questions for Sarah - Month 2 (February). There was quite a bit of chatter on this problem, you might want to start back to front, I.e. reading the last posts first, as the main problem solvers are probably towards the end. http://forum/sedona-star-2012/5245-q...nth-2-february

    The questions for Sara topics are probably a great place to find extra info before starting each month, as most of the problems you might have, have probably already been discussed at length during the last year...

    I'm seriously considering printing these and saving them with my patterns for when I'll eventually get started (in two to ten years' time).


      Also, make sure to watch Sarah's videos for Sedona Star... they are in her Classroom on the Classroom Tab.


        Thank you Lotti for directing me to the post on basting. I have finally finished January and Febraury blocks. Had no problem sewing the inner circles together just the big outer circle. I was reluctant to do the hand basing as I have arthritis in my hands. As I was getting nowhere with the sewing I decided I would have to do the hand basting if I wanted the block to go togther correctly. Took me 8 hours to get the basting done and about 15 minutes to do the machine sewing. Thank goodness that's done and I can rest my hands for a day or two.


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