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    I'm in a mess on September portion!!! My beautiful ring of triangles is 8 inches too small for my circle. I'm shocked because the pie wedges went in so easily! I'm going to see if piecing some more triangles will help or hurt. Boo hoo!

    Sorry to hear you're in a pickle. If you've come this far, I'm sure you'll figure it out. Things always work out in the end, and if they haven't worked out yet,'s just not the end yet!

    Breathe. Count to 10. There, hope that helps. If I lived closer, I could help you.

    I feel for you, sistah; I've been there, done that, but it was a diamond border :x


      I was thinking that the instructions said to wait and not put the two together until we were doing October. I will go back and look at the video again or read end of the instructions again. But that is what I recollect


        So far it's only pinned. (because I fainted). Lol. You may be right.


          Susie - Don't panic. A well-known Appliquer's mother once told her, "Elly, there ain't nothing so wrong that it can't be fixed." I have to tell you that I too had a problem with the "triangle ring". I had pinned almost all of the ring to the quilt and lo and behold I was about 8" short. I fixed the problem by piecing another triangle template and pinned it in place and as of right now, I've sewn about 1/2 of the ring on and it looks like everything is going to fit. But of course, next months corner units may be another issue. Hopefully not. Good luck and keep plugging along. :lol: :lol:


            Nancy, I did the same. Added 2 pairs of light and dark triangles. Fit perfectly. I figure I'll need to fiddle around with the next parts. Lol. If it doesn't work out I'll have a big circle quilt and be done!!


              Susie - that was my thought exactly. I've never made a round quilt, and the binding would be super easy, no mitered corners!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


                Hi Ladies, just finished watching the video for mo. 9 and nothing was mentioned about the triangle circle, however, I did notice on the quilt in the background and the picture of the quilt in the beginning month and there are 8 triangles in-between the inset, and they are lined up with the points of the insets as they meet around the quilt. Looks like I will be frogging for awhile, rats!!! Oh well, what else does a retired lady have to do? :cry: :cry: :cry:


                  Same problem but larger space. After a lot of rereading instructions and counting triangels everything should have worked. I checked my foundation template and found the grid to be off by 1/4 inch. My printer had scaled the pattern down. I reprinted the foundation to fill in the space with more triangles but could not get the printer to duplicate the mistake so ended up tracing the foundation by hand. Luckly I had not cut out the 9 large filler pieces as that template was off also. All in good now and I am ready for October.


                    I haven't gotten this far yet, but I see a real problem developing as ALL the edges appear to be bias in this step. I wonder if the inset pieces should be sewn to the outer circle with triangles first, and then sewn onto the main body? I see that being problematic and difficult to do, but maybe would not be so stretchy. When I get this far, I will starch the heck out of the inset pieces in an effort to control the bias edges.This is one reason I am holding back - want to see where all the problems are and how you solve them.


                      Also, it seems that if the inset templates had marks to align the triangles on the outer circle, it would be very helpful.


                        Well, it didn't take me as long to "rippit" as it did to do the actual sewing. I removed the additional 8 triangles and repinned the triangle circle putting 8 triangles in-between the outer points of the inset. I will now mark the middle of the inset and position 4 triangles on either side, then mark the middle of both sides and put 2 triangles on either side. There appears to be alot of easing so all I can suggest is to proceed and put the triangle circle in place as I've noted or wait until next month and see what Sarah suggests. Seeing as I'm in the process of pinning and easing, I'm going to continue. Wish me luck.


                          Question to all you gals that posted here... Did you use the stable stuff for the inset pieces, and still had trouble? EEEEKKKKK!!! I'm gonna tread carefully.


                            Liz - The instructions for the setting pieces do not call for any "Stable Stuff Stabilizer". This would be very costly to use as you would need 3 sheets per setting piece and that would require 27 sheets of stabilizer for the 9 pieces. I failed to remember that we are working with a convex and concave curve so in order to not have any puckers or ripples it needs to be pinned and adjusted. It's not difficult to do, just time consuming. If you have any concerns you might want to wait until next month when Sarah gives a preview.


                              Oh, yes.. gmhowl. Well, ya gotta read the instructions, huh? I think I'm gonna starch the fabric pretty well before I start insetting them in. Hopefully (?) I would have read the instructions before I actually printed the templates all out. All the posts have me wanting to be very cautious. I'm grateful for the forum so I can see what everyone is running into.


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