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Problem with Template

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    I have completed the complete star with borders all around. Does any one know what the measurement is acroos the circle?


      Well my finished peiced circle with all borders attahced measures 16 3/4 inches, but i'm not sure if this is correct :?:


        That is what mine measures. Sure am glad we have the same measurments.


          Originally posted by katiewells
          That is what mine measures. Sure am glad we have the same measurments.
          Well that gives me some confidence to continue on with the triangular sections, lets keep our fingers cross tthis all works out ok :?



            Mine is 16 5/8 :cry: " unfinished full diameter across


              I really wish we new what size this this circle should be


                i started sewing the january block this weekend. I didn't have problems with the templates until i got to the very large circle (which is the 1/2" outer border). The registration marks and the light gray gridlines aren't lining up right. I guess it's not me.


                  Sometimes the stabilizer/freezer paper/fusible webbing will shift in your printer causing a distortion of the registration marks. If this happens, use the grid lines and measure them accurately and don't worry so much about the registration marks. Your grid measuring properly is the most important part to everything being the right size.
                  <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->


                    new problem...
                    Just pressesd with a steam iron , my ring for month one. The ink on the soft and stable ran onto the fabric. I'll have to do it again and am concerned about having ink left in thee quilt. Perhaps I should use a removable type for the paper piecing????


                      Originally posted by judithrs
                      new problem...
                      Just pressesd with a steam iron , my ring for month one. The ink on the soft and stable ran onto the fabric. I'll have to do it again and am concerned about having ink left in thee quilt. Perhaps I should use a removable type for the paper piecing????
                      Judy, I think in general you want to press with a dry iron when you are piecing. The steam can also distort the pieces or damage the paper. Good luck!


                        For what it's worth, when I print the patterns I select "draft" that way the printer puts down less ink.


                          I was also having problems with the stretched templates on my HP Photo smart, and our "house printer" the accurate one died. So I took a leap and started looking into all in one printers that worked with airport. I finally settled on an epson Workhorse Pro and to boot it was on sale at Best Buy. My original plan was the less expensive 845, but hubby (the go big, or go home man) talked me into the 4540 "Big Boy". The printer is all installed with our Mac's and it works like a charm. WArning,,,,, it is a BIG BOY.


                            Oh, I forgot to add. For the templates, I found it easier to iron the stable stuffy then feed it through one at a time without taping to paper. I am also using economy setting to avoid the ink problem on the fabric.


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