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Halo Sunday Sew and Sews--It's a Wrap

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    Halo Sunday Sew and Sews--It's a Wrap

    We had our last meeting at my house today. See what they did this year:
    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson

    Each and every quilt is a stunner! I wish I could have seen all of them in person. I would have loved to have been in a group like that. I have appreciated your guidance in this online forum. Meeting in person every month? Now, THAT would have been fun



      Thank you Barbara for staying with all of us during this 2017 journey. Your assistance and guidance was invaluable. Best of luck in 2018.


        What a lucky group the Sunday Sew and Sews were! Thank you for sharing their beautiful creations, and thank you so much for your guidance to all of TQS for the Halo journey! I have saved your blogs along with the Halo pattern and will continue to refer to it often as I try to complete mine in 2018! Thanks again! Nancy


          Aren't they fabulous Barbara and what a great surprise for you

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            How beautiful, Barbara - your home, the quilts, everything!. And if I lived near Huntsville I would sure sign up to join the group in 2018! Thank you for sharing.


              Loved, loved, loved our Halo Sunday Sew and Sews time! I learned so much plus I made several new friends. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to gather, share, and learn.


                I too wished that I lived in Huntsville, Alabama, so I could be a Sew and Sew. So I did the next best thing: I am bringing our very own Barbara Black to my quilt guild in the Chicago area. Barbara will be at Illinois Quilters Inc. for a lecture on Thursday March 1 at 7:00 pm and workshops on Friday, March 2 and Saturday, March 3. Our March meeting and workshops will be at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Northbrook, Illinois. The Friday workshop is Sue Garman's Washington Feathered Star paper pieced, and Saturday workshop is String Stars: Use those Scraps. Non-member lecture is $10.00, and non-member 6 hour workshops are $55 (PayPal available). The website is If you need more information you can private message me! So if you live in the Chicago area (or southern Wisconsin) you are welcome to meet Barbara in person.


                  I just received this photo from Sheila, who wasn't able to make the end-of-year wrap up. She finished her top at a retreat. She is thinking of leaving the corners as is, I love it:

                  North Alabama, USA
                  "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


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