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Thinking ahead......."Stocking Stuffers"

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    If you have a cracker barrel store near you they have horehound candy.


      I have never heard of horehound candy, so - being semi-intelligent and always willing to investigate (just like Jessica Fletcher) - I found the following information:

      Horehound is a member of the mint family and was used to soothe sore throats, stimulate appetite, and as a relief for gas. While the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has found horehound to be mostly ineffective, other countries have found horehound effective as an anti-inflammatory and for relief for bronchial complaints. Testing is being done in the U.S., France, and Germany to uncover all the possible purposes horehound may be hiding. Some studies are promising in showing that horehound may have medicinal properties.

      Until the mysteries of horehound are uncovered it is recommended that pregnant woman, lactating women, and children under two refrain from self-medicating with horehound. Horehound can prevent the absorption of iron and other minerals. Horehound candy is generally thought to be well tolerated in small doses, although hard candy is never recommended for small children.

      You'll find horehound candy at old fashioned candy shops, living history museums, online, and specialty shops. They're a hard candy, usually sugar coated, and have a distinctly bittersweet taste to them. You can even make horehound candy at home with horehound extract.

      Horehound is native to Europe, but is easily found in most parts of the world, if you choose to grow your own horehound. White horehound is differentiated from black horehound by its white flowers. Black horehound has purple flowers and a distinctive odor. If you decide to grow your own horehound, you'll want to purchase white horehound. Black horehound is related to white horehound, has a distinct odor, and has similar medicinal qualities but its odor may be off-putting in horehound candy.

      Seeing that I have a very sore throat at the moment, and I'm not pregnant, lactating or under two years of age, I guess I could try this right now.

      Quickly checking some sites about medicinal plants in German yielded the interesting information that the horehound plant has been used since early medieval times in Europe. One of it's uses was to treat snake bites, but it's main use was to eleviate flatulence.

      Ah well, you learn something new every day.

      From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


        I like the horehound candy too.
        My grandmaw Ruthie always had the soft candy mint sticks that came in a box and the horehound candy.
        I never ever had a stocking growing up guess I need to put myself on my own list with all the others this year!
        We always fill the girls Mia,Cecille,Allix,Sydella up with candy treats and socks,hair doodles,books. We always have fruit & nut bowls sitting around. I also make different cookies and candies to set out too. I Decorate cookies with Cecille,Allix,Mia,Sydella all licking there little fingures! We watch the Christmas shows every year.
        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


          My order from The Vermont Country Store came yesterday...a new dry iron & a pound of horehound candy. I must admit, I like the candy, after all these years of teasing Mom. They also sent a great color catalog with all kinds of old-timey candy. Such fun!


            Now I think I'll have to make a trip to Cracker Barrel to get some horehound candy. I don't really remember what it tastes like as it has been years and years since I was little.. I don't think I was fond of it but I was much younger then and tastes have changed. I didn't like sauted mushrooms until I was 18.
            I'm glad the Vermont Country Store came through for you. I remember buying a steamer to sit on my wood stove when I lived in MD a few years ago. Judy in AZ


              My grandmother loved horehound candy too, but I never tried it because my mother always said it tasted terrible! Guess I'll have to give it a try.

              It's getting harder to fill stockings for my kids -- they're both in their 20's now -- and my son doesn't like any kind of candy (must be some genetic anomaly). I'm always looking for ideas!

              I try to find some useful items, toiletries and such. I've also included small bottles of hand sanitizer...seems like a good idea nowadays.


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