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Quilt Labels

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    Quilt Labels

    After many years of quilting, I still stall on the label issue. Anyone have ideas? Do you have a signature label - that is, a style you always use? Do you print it out, fancy it up, or just write on the quilt? I would welcome any cool ideas. Thanks.

    I have just started using my computer to make labels. My hand writing is not very neat. For the memory quilts, I took a photo of some applique flowers that were on clothes and couldn't fit into the quilt. Then downloaded it to my EQ6 and used the text to make a label. I'll put a photo of it on my profile. I also framed the label with material from a pillow the mom had. Cheryl


      I have made some lovely labels using those purchased panels and my embroidery machine. I have several and can use thread to match the colors of the quilt.

      You have to shop carefully, though, since many of those panels don't have very big labels. Sometimes, you want to include alot of information.

      Nancy in NY


        My quild had a stamp made I don't put them on and I know I should I just don't know what to put on it Happy


          I have just been making up labels in Word or Paint if I add a picture, iron a piece of fabric onto some freezer paper and cut it to 4 x 6 or 5 x 7 photo size and print it as if it were a photo. The ink fixes after an iron I believe but I haven't actually washed any yet to find out as they have been on the back of art quilts so far, so no washing needed.


            I've only finished 2 quilts, but rather than putting a separate label on the back, I included my monogram and the year in the quilting. This is visible in the close-up of the blue coverlet. My monogram I worked out whilst at the RSN and although I am now married I still use it to mark my embroidery work or where I have to initial papers.



              I have begun to design a custom label for each quilt on my computer, printing it out and fusing it to the back of the quilt.
              I always include my name, the quilt title, the date it was completed, the reason for the quilt, and any other information that would be important for someone to know.
              If I used a photo or other source as inspiration I might print a small version of that on the label as well.


                Like Robin, I design a new one for every quilt I make using PrintShop (for Macs). I use either Printed Treasures prepared printer fabric or else use Hewlett Packard Bubble Jet Set and make my own sheets.

                I usually applique my label onto the backing before it is sandwiched and quilted. That way, the label is quilted into the quilt, same as the backing. I then cut away the backing behind the label.

                To make sure my quilting does not distract from the label, I make sure to use ivisible thread in the bobbin as I go over the label area. I do this by marking the label area on the front by sewing around the label from the back. (Either by hand or by using large machine basting.) It always looks better that way, altho I admit it is kind of a pain depending on the quilting pattern.

                But I do like my labels being "one of a kind" and a real addition to the quilt.

                I always end the information on the label with washing instructions and "All repairs cheerfully made!"



                  Like Robin, I design a new one for every quilt I make using PrintShop (for Macs). I use either Printed Treasures prepared printer fabric or else use Hewlett Packard Bubble Jet Set and make my own sheets.

                  I usually applique my label onto the backing before it is sandwiched and quilted. That way, the label is quilted into the quilt, same as the backing. I then cut away the backing behind the label.

                  To make sure my quilting does not distract from the label, I make sure to use ivisible thread in the bobbin as I go over the label area. I do this by marking the label area on the front by sewing around the label from the back. (Either by hand or by using large machine basting.) It always looks better that way, altho I admit it is kind of a pain depending on the quilting pattern.

                  But I do like my labels being "one of a kind" and a real addition to the quilt.

                  I always end the information on the label with washing instructions and "All repairs cheerfully made!"



                    Thanks all!


                      Hi, I just finished a whole bunch of small quilts for Christmas. The printing on my sewing machine was too large for creating labels, so I printed labels on June Tailor Colorfast Sew-In Inkjet Fabric Sheets. I followed the directions: Allow ink to dry; remove paper backing; press with dry iron, high heat; rinse gently in cold water, lay flat to dry, dab excess water with a paper towel; and finish drying with a dry iron, high heat. It prints okay, and doesn't bleed too much when I rinse it, but then when I do the final pressing it becomes stiff again -- it's like trying to sew through plastic! Sewing these labels on the little quilts was awful. What am I doing wrong? I can't imagine wanting to print photographs and put them in quilts this way, and I know people do that, so I must be doing something wrong. Any advice? Thanks, Robin


                        Originally posted by RGold
                        The printing on my sewing machine was too large for creating labels, so I printed labels on June Tailor Colorfast Sew-In Inkjet Fabric Sheets. Any advice? Thanks, Robin
                        I have heard that the June Taylor fabric sheets are plasticy once you print on them. I would try some of the other inkjet fabric sheets available, EQ makes some that are really good. Or try making your own fabric with Bubble Jet Set.

                        Diane in Colorado Springs


                          I enter the info for my label on the computer, print it out on paper and then cut it out as close to the lettering as possible. I then place the cut out piece on a piece of freezer paper, put the label fabric on top and press. I then use a light box to trace the info with a Pigma pen. Be sure to test whatever pen you use first! Betty in Ohio (Go Bucks!!!)


                            I use "Printed Treasures" by Milliken They have both Iron On and Sew on Label Products. I'm not sure where I purchased them but I'm sure if you Google Printed Treasures by Milliken you can probably find it. It is also softer than June Taylors product. Nan in slippery rain and sleet Norther NY
                            I just checked I purchased my "printed Treasures" from


                              Great suggestions. I looked on the back of an Ellen Ann Eddy quilt I own, and she actually has a miniature picture of the quilt on the label and prints information to the side, then stitches the label on. Now THAT'S a label!!


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