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Winners of the Quilt Show

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    We often hear that there's nothing better than making a living doing something you love. That may be true for some, but my experience tells me otherwise. Once your passion becomes a job, you are trying to please others rather than pleasing yourself, and working on a deadline rather than at your own pace. Soon you'll realize that you lose some of the joy that you once had and that others don't appreciate your work as much if they have to pay for it. That's why I no longer sew for money (I did a lot during high school & college) and have never created a quilt for money. When I'm asked, I simply reply, "You can't afford me".


      I admire those who enter shows, get the blue ribbon and hopefully receive recognition for all their hard work. When looking at some of these prize wining quilts I realize that yes, if you have time you can develop your skills, but I also believe that like any art form, it's a God given gift. Quilting is my passion, second only to my family, and with each new project I enjoy it more and more. I don't expect I will ever win an award at a big show, but I'm so greatful to those who dedicate themselves to doing so. I look at these works of art and I'm continually inspired. As for sour grapes, I don't feel a bit of that. I'm just happy to be part of such an exiciting time and look forward to the next challenge.


        Isn't it wonderful to see these wonderful quilts and learn from these dedicated winning quilters, for most of them do teach or write books that helps others learn their techniques? I love seeing them, and I am really happy to see art quilts have become an important part of the quilting world as well as traditional quilts.

        So many developments in recent years have made it possible for every quilter to find their niche, kind of like a bunch of good writers finding their genre, and each succeeding in their own field.

        Quilts intended primarily for art (both traditional and innovative), like any art, can speak to your soul, make you happy, warm in your heart, express a deep emotion, or enlarge your mind. Traditional quilts intended for traditional quilt uses can bring the love of the quilter to you to fill your heart with peace and love. What a great thing quilting is!

        Neither is better than the other, they are just different.

        "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


          Originally posted by NancyinSTL
          We often hear that there's nothing better than making a living doing something you love. That may be true for some, but my experience tells me otherwise. Once your passion becomes a job, you are trying to please others rather than pleasing yourself, and working on a deadline rather than at your own pace. Soon you'll realize that you lose some of the joy that you once had and that others don't appreciate your work as much if they have to pay for it. That's why I no longer sew for money (I did a lot during high school & college) and have never created a quilt for money. When I'm asked, I simply reply, "You can't afford me".
          A woman with some common sense!
          I agree with you entirely.

          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


            I was able to see many of these winning quilts up close. It is amazing to see the workmanship. I am at awe of these quilters. I took every opportunity to ask the quilters questions about their creations. I use their beautiful quiltsas a chance to learn. I love to look at the quilt as a whole (the color, piecing, applique) and then to observe the stitching and how the space was filled. It really warms my heart to see their work. I can say that this is true whether I'm at a show like Houston or a local quilt guild show. I just love looking at quilts!! :lol:
            Happy Quilting,

            Shiner TX


              I look at these quilts as works of art. I wouldn't ask Picasso, Monet or DaVinci if they had "real" jobs, so why should current day artists.
              Many of the longarmers who now win the big prizes started out just like me-trying to earn a living. Doing what they do now took years of practicing and honing their craft.
              I applaud their success, they've earned it.

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                No sour grapes here. I admire, applaud, and am in awe of the talented quilters who use their talents to create beautiful prize-winning quilts for all of the rest of us to enjoy. On the otherhand, those of us who in our hearts know that we were not blessed with that particular talent can still gain much satisfaction pursuing our passion for quilting. Isn't that why we're here on TQS?

                I believe that it is wise to seek a job/profession doing what you do better than most. Therefore, I suppose it's wonderful for those folks who happen to be passionate about quilting and have the talent to create quilts better than most.


                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Having had the opportunity to see first hand the beauty of these quilts and the workmanship of the quilters, my hat is off to them. I totally enjoy what I do, but this is my stress buster. I try not to put constraints, time or otherwise on myself. So will I ever be an award winner, time will tell. However, in the meantime, I thoroughly enjoy viewing the work of others and appreciate all they have put into their work, and maybe pick up a thing or two!!!


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