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Why not post a quilt story

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    Why not post a quilt story

    Hi Everyone, I've posted stories 2 times and I'm wondering why there aren't new stories very often. :cry:

    Surely, you're all doing interesting quilting things, so write up your story! It's fun to read eachother's adventures in quilting! It's fun seeing your story "in print".

    How about your guilds? I'm sure someone's done something lately of interest! Let's hear about it!

    Nancy in sunny Western NY 8)

    Nancy, it's a time problem for me. If I start talking I don't stop.

    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


      Oh me too Lorchen. And I'm afraid since I've been home on medical leave for 5 months I really talk my friends ears off! I work as a reservation agent and I think that usually uses up all my motor mouth power lol. ops:


        What is the difference between a story and a blog? I hadn't really looked at the stories tab before. I started reading them. Kewl! Sandi in FL


          Okay, I just took you up on the challenge. I submitted a story; now we'll wait and see if it's accepted and posted.


            Honestly....I've been here from the beginning and I have never ventured into the stories section. Thank you for the enlightenment.


              What is the difference between a story and a blog?
              I'd say a blog is more about you and your journey, where a story is more about the quilt...

              and if you're like me, the idea of starting a blog means I'd either have to keep contributing to it or feel guilty about NOT continuing it, and a story is a one-time-shot!

              I couldn't believe my story was the very first one posted, I really thought there'd be more, thanks Nancy for posting this! some time back I suggested they make the Stories tab flash or something when a new story was posted b/c I got tired of checking and finding nothing new, then I'd forget to check and get behind when a new one did go up! It might be on their to-do list, I'm sure that's pretty long!



                Don't forget to check out Stories. There are two wonderful new stories.


                  I posted a story and it's there now. It's about my longest lasting quilt effort, LOL.

                  Pat in Rockport, TX


                    Pat I loved your story. That quilt must have a complex by now to be forgotten so many times. It is a beautiful quilt!!


                      Pat, your quilt is so beautiful! It's hard to believe a quilt like that could be forgotten. So glad it's done now!


                        Pat your quilt called me and wants to come live with me. It feels unappreciated :P It really is lovely.


                          Sorry, Patti, now that it's finally done, and turned out so lovely, it's not leaving my sight again, LOL.

                          Pat in Rockport, TX


                            There are two new stories in the stories section of TQS. Very good ones too! Sandi in FL


                              Excellent stories. I'd love to see that WW II quilt in person, and would also love to be able to see the quilt show live and up close. I really enjoy the stories and wish more of us would share.

                              Pat in Rockport, TX


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