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Ugly quilts in National Magazines

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    Ugly quilts in National Magazines

    I get several of the national quilt magazines. My darling family buy me subscriptions for various gift giving occasions. But this spring I am dishearten by the truly ugly non inspirational quilts I am seeing in the various magazines. Same old standard blocks... nothing new or challenging. None of the quilts special or new techniques.. most are a rehash of other quilt blocks done in the ugliest fabrics, lacking contrast and originality. I counted 6 quilts featuring monkey wrench blocks, couldn't they make any other blocks to highlight the fabrics? The fabric choices left a lot to be desired... not enough contrast and sorry many were really ugly colors that should not be put together.

    Is it just me or do other find the same thing happening in all the
    magazines. Makes me wonder. I was going to have my sister pick a quilt for her wedding gift but she could not find anything she really likes in the current magazines. ( Of course, she wants my DJ... but sorry sis that is not
    going to happen.)

    I haven't looked through the recent mags yet, but I'll be out and about today. Now you have me curious, so I'll be looking at all of them this time :lol:


      I, too, have been very disappointed with quilting magazines over the last year or so. The only one I ever get ideas from is Fons & Porter. My subscription to this web site is money much more well spent than any magazine subscription.


        For me, the real problem has been recent fabrics. The new "retro" look -- if that's what it's called (Amy Butler, Kaffe Fasset, etc.) just isn't my cup of tea, and so many of the newer fabrics are of that ilk.

        Sigh. I can hardly wait til this phase passes...



          I get 4 magazines and am not going to renew the subscription to any of them except Quiltmaker. They all came at once in the past 2 weeks and they are interchangable. I agree with Ladyrags. The quilts are blah at best. I do like Quiltmaker because of the quilting suggestions. Gloria wishing for spring and hoping the robins don't freeze to death


            My most recent edition of American Patchwork Quilting had some lovely ideas... and they always show the quilts in more than one color combination.

            Although I do agree that many (Quilt magazines) of them could do with some inspiration!



              I'm kind of glad you started this topic because I have noticed lately that even Quilter's Newsletter feels 'old hand' and I thought maybe it was because I'm deeper into the making of quilts and know more (altho still not way enough) and that magazines are geared more toward newer (or younger!) quilters.

              Would you guys place Quilter's Home in that same category? I just enjoy it for Mark Lapinski's humor and off the wall approach to our art. Not really for inspiration, although it sometimes does inspire me, but for his ability to place the 'quilt police' in their place, among other things.


                I've noticed something else that annoys me in magazines. It's in the ads, though. I can tell that frequently, you're not even seeing a real sewn quilt, it's an image that was computer generated.

                I don't know about you, but I think you can often design something that looks pretty on the computer that's nearly impossible to construct and sew. It makes me distrustful of the ads.

                Anyone else notice this? NA in western (finally thawing out) NY



                  I think magazine are so busy trying to be "hip" they forget the basics of quilting. They also are trying to show off the fabrics from the various companies that they fall back on ths same old blocks... things that are easy to make. ... over and over again.

                  The "GUEST" quilters usually have some interesting quilts but they are patterns that have been out for a while. Usually trying to inspire us to buy their books. Some of the workmanship in the pictured quilts leave a lot to be desired.

                  I guess Mark Lipinski would be after me as I am becoming the QUILT MAGAZINE POLICE.

                  I buy the magazines to inspire me, learn new techiques and spur me on to greater quilting achievements.... I want them to make me want to quilt more.... but so far it has the opposite effect.... I am becoming bored with reading them.


                    No, I don't see you as the quilt mag police at all. Just expressing how you respond to what they are saying/doing..............

                    That's why we live in the FREE world, vs. the NOT SO FREE world! And I'm very aware when I say that, that we have readers all over the world, so it's not just the USA. But there are parts of the world that expressing one's opinion isn't even an option.

                    I think an additional thing we are so fortunate about in this world of technology is that there are so many forms of stimulation and encouragement (such as TQS) that magazines are becoming for some..... a communication form of less attraction. ???? Just a thought.


                      While I was out yesterday, I thumbed through some of the mags. I only get a sub to Mark Lipinski's mag since that's the only one I really read all the way through. True, it doesn't offer me inspiration, per say, but it does make me feel a part of the quilt world (like TQS does) since I don't have a lot of quilting buddies IRL.

                      I have to say that I was not inspired by any of them. I looked through them and my response to almost all were 'eh'. Kind of like looking at the gossip mags and seeing the same people & same stories on the cover. If you're interested in the basic, same old stories, why get more than one?

                      Same with the quilt mags. The same adds are in all the mags and the patterns are all so similar.

                      I love looking at the quilts here - this is where I find inspiration more than any other place. I want to see what colors people are putting together. I want to see which patterns are being used - original creations, traditional, combination, etc. I've seen so many different takes on monkey wrench and log cabin - and many are so very pretty. But if you're trying to focus on a new fabric line, showcase the fabric with a pattern that works rather than whichever is easiest to put together.


                        Have a look at Australian Patchwork and Quilting (i have written about this on another thread but can't remember when) it is the only magazine that i subscribe to it is excellent value. i eagerly wait every month for the new mag to arrive in the post. it only costs 8.95 Australian dollars and ig you subscribe it is even cheaper.
                        Jenny in Oz where the weather is starting to get very cool
                        Jenny in Oz


                          My problem with the Australian mag is that I can't tell what month or whatever it is. When I see one in a shop, I usually buy it, and it costs about $5.00USD. A subscription would be great!! Can you put a link here?
                          eileenkny 8)

                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                            I haven't been happy with the US quilting mags in a couple of years. But I will say one thing in defense of Quilters Newsletter-I met ZJ Humbach, one of their editors, at MQX last year. I told her that one of my favorite things in the magazine had been when they showed the homes/studios of quilters. There's now a one page thing every month with people's sewing rooms. Everyone is invited to send in their stuff.
                            I stopped my Fons & Porter, I'll not renew Quilt magazine. I'm leaning more toward the longarm trade magazines now. They have more information that I can use.
                            eileenkny 8)

                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              I understand what you are saying about the current quilt mag. It use to be that I would look through them and see so many that I wanted to make I would be a bit overwhelmed. That hasn't happened in the past several issues. Maybe it's a good thing for me.

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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