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New to quilting...Need advice on layout PIP

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    New to quilting...Need advice on layout PIP

    Hello! I'm new to quilting and took a beginner hand piecing class last week where I made this block. I have finished two blocks so far and will be going to the quilt shop again tonight for the hand quilting class. I am wanting to make a quilt for my mom out of these pieces; however I am unsure as to how it will look the best when it's laid out. Should I choose other fabrics so that each finished square has different colors? Or should I keep going and do several more of the same? I know it's personal preference but I'm having a hard time visualizing the finished product.
    I also am unsure as far as layout goes. I think it needs to be a straight layout since I fussy cut the center piece. What color sashing would you all suggest if I were to go that rout? Or, is there another quilt block pattern that you would suggest I alternate between Ohio Star blocks?

    Thanks so much!!!

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !

    Whether you do all the blocks the same or different IS a personal choice. If you bought a bunch of these fabrics, you might want to do all the blocks the same - just to use up your fabrics. And that has a more "formal" look. Personally, I like a scrappier look. Your block has blue, pink, brown, and lots of greens in there, so I, personally, would make stars in all those colors. To me, scrappier quilts "sparkle" more and look less formal. Maybe keep the fussy cut centers the same for continuity. You're right about a straight set - because of the fussy cut center. And I wouldn't decide on a sashing color yet. Wait until you have your blocks made, then audition different colors right there in the store. I often lay out a bolt of fabric on the floor of the store and lay my blocks on it with an inch or two of the bolt fabric peeking between the blocks. Stand back and squint if you have to. Usually, I'm surprised at what works and what doesn't. You might get funny looks in the store, but it's worth it for the right fabric. Hope this helps and have fun in your class. Your block looks very nice. - Tina

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      Welcome cawsings! Hopefully your teacher will have some advice for you about which fabrics will work for the layout she has you working on, and Tina has given you some great advice!
      Remember that the person who needs to like this project is you!! Have fun and enjoy the process!

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Originally posted by cawsings
        Hello! I'm new to quilting and took a beginner hand piecing class last week where I made this block. I have finished two blocks so far and will be going to the quilt shop again tonight for the hand quilting class. I am wanting to make a quilt for my mom out of these pieces; however I am unsure as to how it will look the best when it's laid out. Should I choose other fabrics so that each finished square has different colors? Or should I keep going and do several more of the same? I know it's personal preference but I'm having a hard time visualizing the finished product.
        I also am unsure as far as layout goes. I think it needs to be a straight layout since I fussy cut the center piece. What color sashing would you all suggest if I were to go that rout? Or, is there another quilt block pattern that you would suggest I alternate between Ohio Star blocks?

        Thanks so much!!!

        Congrats on learning to hand piece! SInce this quilt will be for your mon, what type of person is she---"fun-loving or more formal". A scrap quilt will be more playful than all the blocks matching. Enjoy quilting--it is a great way to share yourself with others.
        Pat--"Keep Calm and Carry On"

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I pretty much agreed with what Tina said except for laying fabric on the floor. I kind of cringed a little at the thought. You don't know where people have been walking and not everyone pre-wash their fabric. I usually unroll some fabric and lay the bolt onto of the shelves with the fabric hanging down. Then hold various fabric or blocks up to it. Or you could use a cutting table. It is also amazing at the difference between looking at something vertical or horizontal. Oh, and I also take the fabric near a window. Some lighting isn't the best for color.It.

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Hi Cawsings welcome to the TQS family, I agree with Tina and Margo, and a great thought from Pat in asking yourself what type of person is your mum (sorry thats how we spell it in Australia he he), if she is a a bit on the fun loving side then with the sashes why not go way outside the box and use something different.

            One of the things I do when I am not sure is wait until I have made all the blocks then go to the quilt shop and take the time and audition the blocks on the fabrics that you think will work, I roll out about a meter (yard) and place the blocks on the fabric leaving space between the blocks so the fabric shows as a sashing, just keep doing that until "the one" comes along. And then I do the same with the borders, I wait until the quilt is all sewn up and then take it to the shope and lay half the quilt on the rolls of fabric I like until the "right one" comes along. As a beginner it does help you and although it take a bit of time so be it, if the shop does not have a lot of room just drape the fabric over some thing if possible. The other suggestion is to go on the internet and look on quilters web sites "Quilt Gallery" and keep looking and looking and often you can find a quilt that you just like the general colour combination and that also helps you build your mind up. Over time I have found that I can now start to choose my colours a lot easier,

            Taree NSW - Australia
            My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


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