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Quilt edges cupping - need blocking advice

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    Quilt edges cupping - need blocking advice

    I have a quilt that is quilted, bound, and has been blocked. It is squared up and does not ripple, but the edges are cupping slightly on the 2 sides. My first inclination is to reblock it and steam it, but it has wool batting in it so I can't steam it.....can I? Any ideas as to what is causing it to cup and remedies to fix it? I have never had this happen before and this is the first time I have used wool batting, so that makes me wonder if that, in some way, caused it to cup. The quilting density is pretty consistant. If I block it and just spray it with starch, do you think that would help to make it lay flat? Sorry if I sound a bit picky, but this is a show quilt. Suggestions and ideas appreciated. Thanks!
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    Hi Janet! I've never seen one of your quilts that didn't hang absolutely flat! Is wool the only batting you used, or is it layered on top of a cotton base? Just wool doesn't give much support for a quilt that will be hanging, but I would think that would be more likely to cause wavy edges than cupping. :?

    Could it be that maybe your binding is causing the cupping? Would it be worth replacing the binding? I know that's a PITA, but if this is as good as your usual work, it might be worth the effort to satisfy a judge. If it's a detailed binding, like you often do, that would be a difficult decision.

    Maybe it would be worth trying some starch??? Please let us know what you decide to do and if anything worked for you.

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      Oh, Margo, you are very kind! It's just 1 layer of wool. As far as the binding, I actually took off the binding and re-did it, thinking that was the problem. No such luck. I have this feeling that in this particular quilt, the border is farily wide, and because there is probably more weight in the center of the quilt, that's what's causing the cupping. It just came back from the Indiana Heritage Quilt Show and won 2nd place, but it is going to MQX in about a week, and will also be at MQS. Linda McCuean is the judge at all three shows and she mentioned the slight cupping at the Indiana show, so since she's going to be seeing it 2 more times, I feel like I really need to fix it. Argh!....quilt show anxiety! I think I'll just try to reblock, hit it with some starch and hope for the best. Will you have at quilt at MQS again this year? I hope so!
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        Janet, I don't have any entries this year, and will not be able to travel to the show. :cry:

        Please post a note here if you try something that works, and good luck with your entries!!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I am by no means an expert, but I had a situation like that recently, except there was more of a wave than cupping. I use wool batting too, so maybe it will work for you. I layed out the quilt face down and spray starched just the binding and outer edge of the quilt and pinned it flat to the foam board. I just let it dry that way and it seems to be nice and flat now.

          Good luck, and please do let us know what works for you!

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Thanks, Cindy. I am going to try that and I will let you know how it goes!
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              Other than the cupping critique, what else did Linda say about the quilt? Did she mention the difference in density? Do you have time to add a little more quilting in the borders?
              I'll be at MQX; looking forward to seeing your quilt!

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                It said on the judges critique that "the corners of the quilt have a minor tendancy to cup" and the "outside edge straight line quilting is ever so slightly angled in some areas". I can't really add more quilting on the borders because it has a specific design. It would be way too much trouble to "fix" the slightly angled straight line quilting. I blocked it today and I am letting it dry right now. It looks as though I may have fixed the cupping. I sprayed it with water and a bit of starch and managed to pull it a bit tighter than it was. I'm keeping my pinkies crossed! I'll see if I can upload a picture of it. I really appreciate everybodys help! You all are the best!

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                  Janet, Oh my goodness!!! That quilt is beautiful!!!


                    Thanks so much, Terry! Maybe you would like to sign up to be the judge?!!
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                        Your quilt is just gorgeous!


                          I think it is gorgeous too. Good Luck!!


                            Wow! It is amazing!
                            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                              Wow, gals! Thanks for all the nice comments! If I could just recruit you all for judges, I probably wouldn't have to worry about those darned cupped edges!!
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