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Virtual Retreat 2017

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    Hurray Sharon and Dawn! :-)


      Ok, girls here is a close up. I did McTavishing in the center and swirls on the border, but a TINY stippling towards the edge. I really struggled with deciding what quilting designs to attempt. Karen McT was actually speaking at a local guild and I had a chance to speak with her and show her pics and she really encouraged me. I had never tried McT. before. Well after 5 minutes you figure it out, hehe.


        Gorgeous Sharon!

        Barb :-)


          So so fabulous!
          Congratulations to both of you - so well deserved!

          And I love that picture of your grands, dawn, especially seeing your beautiful smile in triplicate


            Congratulations, Sharon and Dawn! Beautiful work (thanks for the close-up, Sharon!), recognition for both of you so well deserved!
            Go get 'em at Birmingham, Rosemary! Glad you made the deadline!


              Sharon, that is stunning!! Well done!

              Dawn, can't wait to see your quilt in Houston!! Congratulations!!!

              I feel like I have more projects going than I can keep up with. Just finished my Cherrywood Challenge piece & submitted it in time, now we wait. In past years, they've had closer to about 200/250 entries, I think, and 120 are chosen to travel. This year.....465 entries!!! Yikes. Of course my hubby says mine has a great shot....ha! I don't know about that, but I had fun and made something I will be happy to hang in my home.

              Also working on: binding a quilt for my niece, need to add borders & quilt a quilt for my nephew, piecing a quilt for my sister, and have to make 2 pairs of quilted pillow shams for a friend/customer to match the 2 quilts I made for her, and a friend just asked me to help her/do for her add borders onto a cathedral window quilt made by one of their grandparents (to make it fit her king sized bed). Aaahhhh! Where is all the time?! And have 2 quilt tops waiting to be quilted just for me, too. Lap sized, thank goodness, but still. Too.many.projects.Not.enough.time!

              Explains why I'm not here very much......but had to pop in and congratulate you guys! Happy sewing, everyone!


                Great news Sharon and Dawn and good luck Heather. What a talented, fantastic crowd you are

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  It's been a busy hot and smoky summer here so far. We are stuck inside due to heavy smoke from fires in BC, Montana and Washington.

                  Which gives me more time to sew and work on the plans for the Featured Artist gig at the Fullerton CA Art Walk. If anyone in So Cal is interested it is September 1st., 7pm at FLDWRK 110 E Wilshire Ave. #101, Fullerton, CA 92832 (I tried to upload the flyer but it wouldn't take a PDF).

                  I've been working with the website gurus. My website is coming along, though not finished.

                  I made a little orange and taupe piece. It was fun!

                  My mini quilt group decided to learn new techniques this year and each of us was to provide a small project. I finished one last week. It was supposed to be bubbles,, made with a lace overlay with lots of silks, satins, and other fabrics. Well, I didn't have any lace or netting and I really didn't like the look of the intended piece. So I used up some scraps from a quilt I made for our front guest room. This is what I came up with. I kinda like it!

                  Anyway, later next week we are off on quite a journey throughout the US. From Alaska to Texas. I will be working on my "x" EPP while on the road. I hope you are all enjoying the summer!
                  Take care, geneva


                    Hi! everyone....Like's been hot and now the smoke has rolled in and we can hardly see across town ! and the smell of smoke is
                    all there is !! :evil: UGH! Don't like living in the AC all the time but most summers bring a few of these days ! Garden is trying to produce...
                    and the huckleberries are ripe up on the mountain hillsides ! Yummy !! These were before the nasty smoke !!

                    I have a question for you all out there....Have you use Spoonflower ? and have you had photos reproduced by them?? and once fabric has been
                    printed , can you hand sew thru it ? .....Ink jet prints are a bit difficult to sew ... Have some projects in mind and I'm looking for info .... love to hear
                    your experiences.


                      Hi Marilyn!
                      I've been gifted a couple pieces of Spoonflower fabrics, both very pretty and machine sewed great!. (Camp style shirt and peasant style tops). However hand sewing a couple crafty flower style hair bows was difficult.



                        Fun to see and hear re what you're doing. I especially like your orange and taupe piece. I'd love to see you at the Fullerton Art Walk, I'll put it on our calendar!



                          Hi Marilyn -

                          I've gotten a couple of little pictures of Lance (my dog) done at Spoonflower. The fabric is very soft, but I haven't tried hand sewing. You can get a little test print for just $5 (and the first one is free). You have to do some test prints to get the colors right, but you can find uses for those. They have a bunch of different fabrics to chose from so I would suggest doing a couple of test prints trying different fabrics and playing with the colors of your photo.


                            Yesterday was the Colorado State Fair judging and I now have a good photo of another quilt I entered. I love the website KISS Quilts by Marlene Odie near Grand Coulee Dam. She originally designed this for an EQ7 competition and later posted on her site the free tutorial. She gave me lots of great advice. I did put a little spin, pardon the pun, on my quilt. Try as I might I couldn't get the dang points to meet nicely in the middle, so I made a smaller paper pieced version of the spinners and did a set-in circle, which is a tutorial on TQS and it looks great.

                            So back to the judging. I received a BOS in the senior division for the applique quilt. I put the spinner in the pieced class with 5 other quilts and it got a first. The spinner also received Best Use of Color award. So I am very pleased.


                              Congratulations Sharon on both of your wins!

                              Great to see your "spinner" I'll have to remember Marlene Odie's website!



                                Fabulous news, Sharon. Congratulations, beautifull work!


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