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Virtual Retreat 2017

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    Geneva -
    Your quilts are so incredible! What fun to see them all hanging together. I love how varied your quilts are. They really showcase how wide-ranging your talents are! Thanks for sharing!


      Your quilts are wonderful, Geneva !! Thank you for showing them to us !! Were it a bit later in the year I might have staged a run-away
      quilt hop !! So happy for you !!
      It snowed last nite all around us here...but clearing off this afternoon. Still have some dirty old snow piles here and there....
      Bet you have green coming all around.


        Fabulous quilts, Geneva!

        As you know - no quilting / sewing / playing at this end for the next couple of months, but I informed the owner of my apartment that i´ll be moving and I will be signing the contract for the new one tomorrow. Been very busy clearing stuff out - another carload of books ready to go tomorrow - many more where these came from - in the past it had been so difficult and expensive to replace English books that I kept them all - now with ebooks, online libraries and other electronic possibilities as well as amazon - i´m having a major clear-out. But i took a time-out on Friday afternoon to get some fresh air and a little sunshine...


          Geneva, what a wonderful show. You do make very lively and colorful quilts and I saw June at a Mancuso show. Its awesome.

          I also have some news, I have been asked by our LQS to do a trunk show in May 13th, which is my birthday. I've never done a trunk show before, so am very honored and nervous, but will need to start gathering quilts and what to say, which usually isn't a problem for me. If there are any northern Colorado girls who want to come it will be at Sew Downtown in Greeley at 10 a.m. on May 13th. Maybe I'll bring treats for everyone for my birthday.

          I always enjoy seeing everyone's goodies.

          Sharon in Colorado


            Oh, and there were some flowers too...

            And my soul-brother came back from Argentina on Sunday and brought this baby-owl for his nephew - have to share him as well

            Have a great week


              What a responsibility, Sharon. You´ll do. great and we´re looking forward to seeing your pictures :cheer: :P


                Beautiful Geneva! So thrilled for you!

                @julesquilts on IG 
                working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
                Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
                Bernina Artista 200E, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines.


                  What a treat this morning finding all this beauty here.

                  Geneva your exhibition looks wonderful, thank you for sharing it with us. Your quilts are amazing and look so good together, all that lovely colour. Congratulations

                  Lotti thank you for your fab pictures, you catch such lovely moments with the animals and such detail with the flowers, I love them

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    Geneva, what a wonderful display of all your hard work and gorgeous quilts! Absolutely stunning!!

                    Lotti love the photos, as usual; you are so talented!

                    Barb & Dawn, I received your rows and they are amazing! I really will take photos soon....over the weekend my middle son decided to come down with Influenza Type A, and my oldest had his cough return with a vengeance, so we sought a repeat chest x-ray to make sure it wasn't the pneumonia coming back (got the all clear this morning), but that has kept me busy tending 2 sick teens and entertaining a forlorn & lonely younger one who misses his big brothers (who are of course home, but mostly sleeping...).

                    Today the flu child woke up sounding human again, and the coughing-but-not-pneumonia-relapse kid shared the surprising news he hadn't coughed yet, at all, all morning before he left for his class, so (fingers crossed) maybe we are on the mend.

                    Luann, I'll photograph all my rows together and post, as I don't think I kept up with my album and then I lost many of the individual photos when our computer crashed last year, so a new group shot will be best anyway. Good idea.

                    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                      Wow . . .Geneva!!! I loved being able to see your quilts. All are just lovely and wonderful! Of course, my favorites are all the ones that shout with color! Lotti, your photos are amazing! You capture the best expressions with the animals and the floral photos provide such detail! I'm enjoying the row reveals too.


                        Geneva, congratulations on the wonderful exhibition of your quilts--such talent and diversity of designs and techniques. What a treat to see them on the Forum and so glad you had a great time!

                        Sharon, congratulations on your upcoming show--look forward to enjoying seeing your quilts too.

                        Lotti, welcome back and just loved seeing your photos, as always--such a talented photographer, always leaving the viewer inspired!


                          Thank you everyone for all the nice compliments. It was so awesome to see all my quilts together. I love color!!

                          Sharon, you will do fine! Keep at it!

                          Lotti, I love your pictures. I've always wanted to ask, how do you get so close to those animals? I'm sure you use a special lens, but still. It seems as if they could reach out and get you! I love how you took pictures of dandylions. Here in the US dandylions are a sign of neglect of your lawn. And I have always wondered why. I realize they are a weed, but still. Anyway, thanks for the eye candy.

                          My husband's cataract surgery went well. Yay! He's amazed at how well he can see! (I hope he doesn't notice too much that I look older than I used to! hmy: )

                          hugs to you all.... geneva


                            Geneva...LOVE your quilts!!!
                            Lotti as always, the pictures are awesome...the owl made me go awww



                              Heather, i'm so glad your son is back among the living humans - hope the full recovery goes quick!

                              Geneva, good to read that your husband's cataract surgery went well - so great when sight can be restored - there are certainly great things possible with today's medical knowledge! Just a hundred years ago so many older people were reduced to near blindness which today can be fixed in a short surgery procedure.

                              Thanksgiving for the compliments. Yes I do use telephoto lenses but many of the animals I shoot are in enclosures where I can go in or near but the animals can decide how close to me they come. As I often spend an hour or two in the same enclosure just waiting and watching them, some sometimes accept me and trust me. The owls especially often fly to sit down on a post or fence right next to me (if I'm patient, quiet, wait a very long time and there are no or few other people around).

                              It's not a dandelion, it's a Tussilago farfara, commonly known as coltsfoot (in the daisy / Aster family). The stem is very scaly and they don't produce any leaves until the flowers are gone. One of the common names in Swiss German is 'Ziitroeseli' which can be translated as 'time rose' because they are a harbinger of spring. Appearing in mountains areas as soon as the snow is gone and the sun warms the area for a couple of days - often appearing in the rocky border at the side of the road when everything past the border is still covered with snow.
                              I love them because they bring the sun into the landscape when we most need it.

                              Have a great day everyone :0)


                                Thought I had already posted, but it seems to have disappeared into the ether...

                                Geneva, wonderful quilt show, great to see such a collection of quilts altogether. :cheer:


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