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Virtual Retreat 2016

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    Wonderful, wonderful pictures!!!
    Thank you so much!



      Marianne, I like the place mats and I think they will go any time of year. Your quilting is very nice too. I think the old idea of not wearing white after labor day or before Easter was gone years ago. Wear it when it is finished and enjoy.


        Very nice Marianne!

        I like the 2 sided idea.



          Great place mats Marianne. Two sided is good in my book too.


            I like your two sided placements too!


              Thank you everybody for your kind words about the place mats. Skirt got cut out last night and due to a cancellation my week-end is free so will put my foot down :lol:


                Carpet goes down in the lounge today. Then we can get everything put back. THEN I will have space to cut some fabric up for sewing! :woohoo:


                  :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


                    Happy news Rosemary. Have fun quilting.
                    The last few days I have been working on a quilt I started last Oct. I took a class at our state guild retreat and made one each of the three blocks necessary for the quilt. I did't have time to do more at the retreat. I have completed 35 more blocks of the one design. I am working on the second design for 60 blocks. I will finish that today. I forget how many of the blocks I need for the third type. I need to decide if I want to follow directions and make the stars different shades of blue, or make blocks of different colors of stars. The design is a Dawn Heese design called Pathways. It looks like a garden trellis to me. Maybe I will put away the star block I made and design some of my own 6 inch flower blocks so it looks more garden like. The trellis is a brownish tan color and the background a beige. All in batiks. Any suggestions anyone?


                      I've been super busy. I quilted an Attic Windows quilt for a customer and have her 2nd A.W. on the frame. Both have a panel of fabric cut apart for the windows.

                      I also ran the carpet shampoo cleaner twice on Monday, again on Tuesday, and then Thursday. That counts for workouts, yes?

                      I hope to work on 2 more weeks of clues on a mystery quilt this weekend. If I get that much done, I'll be caught up by the time the next clue comes out Monday or so. I miss it... haven't stitched on it since last Sunday.

                      @julesquilts on IG 
                      working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
                      Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
                      Bernina Artista 200E, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines.


                        Awesome news Rosemary - glad to hear your project is nearly completed and that you'll back at your fabric and sewing space soon! I bet it everything will look terrific too! (Newly done space and sewing) !
                        Barb :-)

                        @julesquilts on IG 
                        working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
                        Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
                        Bernina Artista 200E, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines.


                          Super news Rosemary! Sewing is such therapy from the world's sadness and turmoil.
                          I've finished my skirt :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
                          So happy. My best ever embroidered garment.

                          Really been worth all the stitch outs. Now all I need is some sunshine and maybe some higher temps too and I'm off to show the world that I can make something wearable with embroidery :silly:
                          Off to make an apple crumble to treat long-suffering DH :P


                            How's it going Rosemary? Does it fit now.

                            Very delicate embroidery on your skirt Marianne

                            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                              Lovely skirt Marianne. So delicate.

                              Rosemary, please post a photo of the lounge. I feel like we've been working on this with you. Oh my aching back from moving all those books! hmy:

                              I've been busy taking care of my mom, my grandkids and now my husband. He fell last week in the kitchen and has two fractured ribs. Then he promptly caught a cold. Ugh! He's a terrible patient. But he is so cute and sweet, I will keep him! :kiss:

                              However, I am still working on the bed runner for our bedroom. I think it is turning out nice. It will tie all the colors and styles together in the room. (Except the exercise bike. That doesn't fit in anywhere!)

                              Take care everyone,



                                Exercise Bicycles don't fit into any room design - as far as i'm concerned not even into the design of a fitness studio! And I won't even talk about treadmills (even if we sell both devices - though the medical grade)...

                                Great news all around - except that your hubbie's not well, Genrva / that of course is an absolute bummer - but the good news is that he will get well and as he's a sweetie that's even better

                                Good luck with finishing your lounge, rosemary!
                                And we'll want a picture of you in your whole outfit, Marianne (once the sun and temperature comply, tag at is)

                                Had an absolutely fabulous day, rain, sleet and cold but fab. Joined the first ever Foto-Walk in Lucrne today, and in spite of the horrible weather - we really had s great day out - of the 54 persons registered, over fifty showed up - and from various areas and corners of Switzerland, a real success - finished the day with a yummy Thai dinner - so good - now in the train heading home - looking forward to see if some of my rainy shots are winners


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